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I think I'm cranky

EvilWickedSM's picture

I just feel like everything has been bothering me.

1) MIL is in town, which is normally fine, but her first night here she asked DH if I was mad at SD for sitting on the sofa?!??! I did say to SD...with a genuine laugh in my voice...SD, have you moved from that spot tonight aside from dinnertime? SD even obviously I gave no indication of being mad...which I wasn't at all.

2) Since MIL is here, SD is at the house more often, which always just puts me in a mood to begin with.

3) I did something to my back and it has been bugging me all week.

4) BM brought SD over last night to get some stuff, as SD was staying at her house...and BM comes in to say hi (like anyone cares to see her). Rubbed me the wrong way. After she left I told him I didn't want BM in my house and next time she can keep her ass in the car.

5) exH is a pansy-ass and his wife takes care of all check-writing which means I have the pleasure of putting up with her childish pettiness when she purposely waits until the day after CS is due to put the check in the mail. So, once again, I had to ask him to either take care of it himself or to remind her it was due Wednesday. The due date has never changed, but she conveniently forgets to give him the check to give me (which I hold and have NEVER cashed early) when we exchange daughter, so it has to be mailed....and each and every time she waits until the day of or the day after to mail it.