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Counting down to Courtdate battles

CLove's picture

Our court date for a modification of child support is August 30th. Toxic BM is going for $$$ and she claims "there is no bad blood, she wants everything the same (lies lies lies) she just needs more money from DH". She is treating this request as more of a spousal support thing, and since the spousal support ends in 2 years, and is only $300, she is going for more through the child support system - $500 for 6 years. Nice huh? DH has rejected the idea of hiring a lawyer, even for guidance and limite scope help. He wants to "give it to God". Which is fine, this is his deal, not mine, I suppose.

So the other day, after he had finished his response paperwork (very proud of him, he hates paperwork, and puts it off until last moment...) and filed it at the courthouse, he told me that he was asking for a modification to the custody order - to reflect the truth. Its definitely NOT 50/50 in reality, its 60 or more us. He did that on Monday. And its supposed to be mailed...and she took today off, so we are assuming that she probably got served, and has some kind of plans of her own. When they were late this mornign for dropoff, we became concerned. Then munchkin, after a few questions whereby she was acting squirrely, and not answering the questions, she came forward with "mom is taking the day off because she is going to court, because of tweedle dum (ex boyfriend), something about the mercedes." BACKGROUND: Toxic GUBM and her ex BF tweedle dum are arguing over cars and titles. When they were together they bought a car, even though they each had their own car (DH gave BM the 'cedes for the divorce settlement) and now BM wants the 2 cars, new and old one, but tweedle wants the mercedes and his old one that he paid for. Tweedle dum has stopped by a few times and told us in his sketchy way what his issues are...including him ignoring a possible restraining order. They have their own tangled web over there...

So, we dont know what is in the immediate future. I have a ball of tension in my stomach over all of this. DMV is for changing titles, court is for battles. And now DH has two battles. I hope we win the war, because we all know how ugly things can get.


thinkthrice's picture

who help themselves.  He is going to get shellacked in the pro-BM-centric court system.  Chef "gave the Gir the benefit of the doubt" and is still paying $800 a month for two skids he NEVER sees.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Putting it in God's hands = putting more money into BM's hands. God gave us brains and attorneys to be used appropriately, and I see your DH is using neither.

As for the court battle over cars...

BM and her XHBF (I don't actually know their relationship status other than they actually are divorced but he's still around) went to court, in part, over a van they bought for $500 that barely ran.

Yep, that's right. A nearly-15 year old van with 200,000+ miles on it was SUCH a point of contention that they went to court over it. Oh, did I mention that BM had 2 other worling vehicles at the time in addition to the van? Yeah...

Some people...