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I’m losing my mind over this behavior...opinions please

Crazystepmom09's picture

Ive been with DH for 7 hrs married 4. SS is twelve and his needy wanting Constant attention from DH is getting worse. We have SS 40 percent of the time plus three LONG ass weeks during the summer. Here are some examples. Every year DH and I take ONE week long vacation where DH will miss two evening visits(not overnights) with SS. EVERY year DH dreads telling SS as he throws a fit (crying, guilt trip) when DH tells the brat. It’s not so much SS wants to go with us he just does not want daddy to go. Each year it seems it gets worse. Last year DH was so guilty we cut out vacation short! Mind you during the THREE weeks during the summer we have SS we go fun places. When we go out to dinner SS HAS to sit next to DH. When we go for a walk SS has to walk next to DH. DH has to watch TV with SS in the evening and it has to be what SS wants to watch in till bedtime. SS NEVER goes and plays in his room. There is NO alone time with DH when SS is over. If I want to tell DH without SS hearing I need to text it to him as SS is never far from DH. 

Now add SS is this RUDE Disrespectful entitled brat who thinks daddy dearest should drop EVERYTHING when he comes over to entertain him. If DH wants to get something done he gets up early before the “prince” rolls out of bed. 

Now Ive had MANY talks/fights with DH over this and its pointless. He is a man of many Excuses so I’ve just Disengaged....for now. 

Ive read enough post on here to know brats stay brats but that’s not what I really care about. I don’t care if SS Turns into a juvenile delinquent and ends up in jail. Don’t care if he’s a pig, smells and his room is a mess. Don’t care if he lives in our basement when he’s 30( hopefully not!)

My BIGGEST problem is SS’s Neediness towards DH! My god we can’t even get ONE week vacation a year without world war 3 going down. There HAS to be a age this stops at!!!??? Yes I know girls can be daddy’s little girl and needy but boys???? What age can I expect some relief??? When will SS be more interested in friends than hanging all over daddy? What age should SS not throw a temper Tantrum if he doesn’t get to see daddy for a week??? 


Jcksjj's picture

The conclusion that I came too when  SD was doing this is that it was to see who could "win" and be the one in control of daddy. Was he given way too much control/say in things? SD definitely was from the time that she was very young and I think it caused issues. 

My advice to your DH would be to gave a talk with him that he needs to do adult things sometimes too and it doesnt mean he doesnt love him, and so on. If he doesnt stop then a "knock it off" without showing any guilt is probably needed. Hes a little old to be that upset about it imo. And I'm right there with you in getting driven up the wall by the neediness. 

Kes's picture

I am sure it is right what  Jcksjj said, ie the kid wants to "win" his father's attention.  My 2 SDs were exactly like this, especially the older one.  If occasionally we would go and see one of my DDs, war would break out - I remember SD24 saying once "it's always about THEM" ie my daughters - when the truth was that we would see them 2 or 3 times a year because they live a long way away.  

They finally stopped this when they stopped coming round EOW, which was in their late teens.  It may take a long time for your SS to stop - he may never do so - so disengagement is a good option, but if you are like me you will still feel resentful at being sidelined for an overly clinging kid.   In my experience these type of kids are not good at developing their own circle of friends, and tend to rely on mummy and daddy for their social life.  My two SDs still do this with NPD BM,  go on holiday with her and spend weekends with her and they are 24 and 22.  

Irritated18's picture

Does BM know of this issue? I could bet money that she does, and she feeds this kid full ideas to irritate you, as she stopped her life, she wants you and daddy to do the same! 

elkclan's picture

For sure, every time the BM in my life is feeling crap about something she starts going off on "the kids need to know they are enough for you" - i.e. ditch ol' elkclan and her kid and put everything else on hold. She's even made OSS write a letter saying "I need to know I'm enough for you"  - which is not something he would naturally say, but it something that her BPD fever brain insists he must be feeling. 

But hey, if OSS was enough for her, then why did she want another kid? Have a boyfriend (until she drove him off) or indeed have any other human relationship?

Nobody should have to feel like they are somebody's everything. 

I'm out's picture

Ok so by 12 this behaviour should definitely  have stopped. It's just weird.

Cutting your vacation short is unbelievable and I'm surprised you put up with that sort of crap. I'm literally speechless at the position you're in.

Your DH must be allowing this behaviour and is even giving in to this behaviour by cutting his vacation short and most probably allowing ss to sit/walk next to him rather than telling him he's a bit old for all that now. Sorry but I think your problem lies with your DH,  he needs to step up and stop this.

elkclan's picture

If DH is continuning to behave like this, it's probably serving him in some way. 

tog redux's picture

My DH would not have put up with that from SS for 10 minutes. 

As usual, you have a DH problem. 

Crazystepmom09's picture

sure the old hag BM has a lot to do with SS behavior as I know it pisses her off DH spends “money” on vacation with me when he should be( her Opinion) giving her extra money to pay for SS’s private school. SS for his age is very Manipulating and knows just what buttons to push with DH to get his way. I blame the YEARS of therapy BM insisted on for SS. The only thing therapy was good for is to teach SS how to Blaim others for his problems and become a great manipulator. Like I said I’ve had hundreds of Discussions with DH and he has every excuse in the book. For my Sanity I have to just disengage and wait it out. 

tog redux's picture

The only person keeping it going in your house is DH.  BM coddled my SS too and he behaved very differently in her house than ours. DH wouldn’t let him get away with it in our home. 


Monkeysee's picture

Unless someone was dying, if my DH ever decided to cut our holiday short to molly coddle my SS's, 2 things would happen.  1. He'd be leaving without me, and I'd help myself to anything I felt like, courtesy of his card. 2. It would be the last holiday we would take together until DH got his priorities straight.

As irritating as your SS is, your DH is to blame because he lets his kid get away with it. 

I'm out's picture

Agree with monkeysee. No way would I be cutting my holiday short because ss is crying! In fact I think that would have been a deal breaker for me.

Disengage, you're worth more than that my lovely. 

momjeans's picture

This behavior at 12 years old? Yeah, that’s NOT normal at all. 

Your DH is making a conscious decision to contribute to a codependent situation. He’s aiding his ex in keeping their son emotionally stunted. He has got to knock it off and be the change for the betterment of his child’s emotional well-being. 

I mean, my god, a 12 year old boy throwing crying fits about how dad spends his well-deserved free time? No no no no. Perhaps he should get his child into some therapy. 

Siemprematahari's picture

What age can I expect some relief??? When will SS be more interested in friends than hanging all over daddy? What age should SS not throw a temper Tantrum if he doesn’t get to see daddy for a week??? 

This behavior right here is your H's and BM doing. Your H is enabling this! He's not parenting, creating boundaries, and disciplining his son. You both should be able to go on vacation without the tantrum and should SS do so your H still needs to stand firm. You may never get any relief, no matter how old he is his son will "always' be there in some needy capacity. Your H has to put in the work to have his son more dependent on entertaining himself instead of being up in his @ss all the time. Your problem is with H not SS. If your H doesn't make changes you will never have relief and will continue in a marriage with a SS that never goes away.

marblefawn's picture

He's a boy -- unless he has a true emotional issue, don't you think his peers will soon cure him of this behavior? Peers will identify this behavior as not OK and send the message to SS if it keeps up.

I stopped sucking my thumb because I was old enough to start going to sleepovers. I was ashamed! Shame's a good motivator!

Is this kid spending enough time with boys his age? Kids without siblings don't have anyone at home to provide that shame effect (and it's not OK for adults to shame kids for anything anymore). Maybe your SS has no idea other kids don't act like that to get what they want from parents. It would be a shame for other kids to label him because of it. Once he's marked by other kids...ugh...that's the kind of stuff that can follow you through school.

Maybe that's how you paint it to his dad, especially if SS is entering a new school in fall: "Honey, SS's going to middle school this fall. I don't want him to struggle socially. If he's this upset when you leave and he's crying like this, he's not confident enough for middle school. The other kids will sniff that out and I don't want him to become a target."

Teenage years are just so much easier for kids who don't stick out too much for socially-unacceptable behavior. Why wouldn't he want to give his kid an easier time?

Thisisnotus's picture

You have a long way to go, if it ever even stops.

My SD16 and SD11 show zero signs of letting up on this behavior. They can do nothing for themselves. They have BM, DH and MIL practically trying to change their diapers and put the lids back on their sippy cups. Freakin idiots.

SD16 cant and won't drive....she goes to school when she wants to and when she doesn't BM runs her to dr for some bull shit diagnosis...which is now regulary 50% of the last 4 months of school. These kids have no friends, no social life, nothing......but this is how they were raised I guess.

Rags's picture

He is doing this because daddy gets something out of it and enables it.  This is a mutual admiration society where the codependent bullshit gives each of them something they want.

What that is... is probably obvious to you since  you are in the thick of the nauseating crap.

I would give DH absolute clarity that YOU get him for your annual vacation and that there will be NO whiny Skid crap that interferes with your vacation in any way.   No interference before the vacation, during the vacation, or after the vacation. Nothing that jeopardizes the excitement leading up to the vacation, nothing the interferes with the enjoyment of the vacation when it is happening, and nothing that tarnishes the memories of the vacation when it is over.

Daddy needs to man up and end this needy kid crap immediately and permanently.  No more clingy crap, no more baby crap and no more interference in the adult relationship that you have with your DH.  This is a 12yo not a 2yo.  There should be zero tolerance for anything less than appropriate behavior expected of a 12yo.


Miss T's picture

This kind of behavior is not exclusive to step families. You just see it more clearly becuase you are essentially an outsider.

Nor will this behavior necessarily stop. My ex made my life miserable, while we were together, catering to our kids at my expense. Their enmeshment destroyed them and there wasn't a thing I could do about it, except to have taken the children and left him, which I failed to do and which he'd have fought iand likely won in any case. I did finally get out but my kids did not. Their father died 10 years ago and they still proudly display huge ugly tatoos on their forearms that read, "I love you Daddy." Bofh of them, adult women. It's nauseating. And please note, I say this of my own flesh and blood. They've never gotten over their enmeshment.

I thiink what I'm saying is, if you want peace, you're going to have to get out of Dodge. This is never going to stop.