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Goofus and Gallant (the BM edition)

MadeMyBed's picture

Remember those lovable scamps from the Highlights magazines? Man I loved going to the dentist when I was little just to read about their wacky adventures! Made me start thinking of the right and wrong ways BMs act, for example our Goofus BM:

Goofus BM takes child decuctions on her taxes against the divorce decree
Gallant BM realizes she made an agreement and what is good for DH should be good for her!

Goofus BM takes the skids to the police station and tries to avoid visitation
Gallant BM is glad her ex wants to be a part of their kids' lives

Goofus BM tells everyone and anyone she meets ex is a deadbeat
Gallant BM is grateful she gets a steady CS check

Goofus BM alienates her whole family and lies to the rest
Galland BM has a loving, honest relationship with her family

Goofus BM lies to the courts
Gallant BM takes her oaths seriously

and lastly

Goofus BM thinks the sky is green and you are wrong!
Gallant BM knows its blue Wink

LizzieA's picture

I adore these! I also loved Goofus and Gallant.

Goofus BM tells the world that "SM broke up her family"
Gallant BM takes responsibility for her role in the divorce

Goofus BM tells her children that DH and SM are bad and evil
Gallant BM won't say a negative word about the other parent or SM to children

Goofus BM comes to every DH family event
Gallant BM gets her own life

Goofus BM is a "friend" to her children
Gallant BM is a parent

skylarksms's picture

How about

Goofus BM is insane

Gallant BM WAS insane but went to a psychiatrist and got on medication which she takes religiously because she doesn't like being out of control

Goofus BM wants everyone else to provide for her

Gallant BM knows that the only person she should rely on is HERSELF

Goofus BM uses CS for mani/pedis

Gallant BM budgets so well, she has some CS money every month put away for the children's futures.