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FB pictures... Not sure how to feel

DISbelief's picture

So, you know on Facebook... when you post pictures and tag that one of your friends is in them, they show up on THAT friends page. WELLLLL FH and BM have a mutual friend on FB. It is FH's childhood best friend, that he is still very close with... whom BM happens to be good friends with too. It's like a piece of her past that she just can't seem to let go of I guess. WELL... BM posted ALL kinds of pictures from highschool on her page, and tagged FH's friend on the ones he is in... so FH started looking at them. There are all kinds of people that they used to hang out with when they were kids that have made comments on these pics but the one that gets to me is where BM states "those were the days, I wish I could go back and relive them BLAH BLAH BLAH" this under a picture of all the guys.... FH included in this picture. BARF. That just got under my skin. Luckily FH's ONLY comment was "I wish I could go back and do it again but I would do SOOO many things differently!". GOOD ANSWER BABE!

Which brings me to my next point... BM and I are on "good terms" right now. Meaning, I am not completely pissed off at her, and she considers me her BEST FRIEND. She asked yesterday if we could take a picture of her and I together so she can put it on her FB page. Strange?? I think so. But I guess it wouldn't hurt anything. After all... I am trying to keep the peace at least through SATURDAY so she doesn't sabatoge my wedding day. THOUGHTS??

stepmomma00's picture

i wouldnt take a picture with her. she sounds like my fh's ex..a snake in the grass. who knows what she will use that picture for...i would tell her that your bf doesnt want you to take one with her. my fh's ex is still stuck on him and makes off the wall remarks on her facebook and myspace all the time. even has a couple pictures of him and the kids on hers. shes just a bitch like that though.

sparky's picture

Why would she want a pic of the two of your on FB? I would not do it unless we were best buds and I have never seen the X and the present be best buds.

Most Evil's picture

Maybe if it continues you could ask her why she wants it? You will probably not get the truth though
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

DISbelief's picture

She said to SHOCK people. And YES it would SHOCK people... especially her family. I would almost love to read the comments that they would make under it! But I am thinking the whole thing is a bad idea... she is too wishy washy... Right now I can tolerate her, and we are not trying to kill each other, but in her mind that means we are best buds. She has very few friends, so, she latches on quickly.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

DISbelief's picture

I am never fake with her. She knows EXACTLY how I feel about her... now she may be pretending to be my "friend" and to that I say "whatever" that is her problem. She is far from being one of my friends. I do however smile and nod when she is talking... to keep the peace. Because 99% of the time at least ONE of my kids is standing there, and to tell her what I REALLY think about what she is saying would not be appropriate for small ears.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

Orange County Ca's picture

No pic and for heavens sake STOP LOOKING AT HER PAGE. Why give her the satisfaction of thinking you've got nothing better to do than follow her life. Go plan your wedding.


There's an exception to everything I say.

DISbelief's picture

FH was looking at pictures posted on his BEST FRIENDS page of them when they were all younger. There was nothing wrong with it at all. Neither one of us have ANY desire to look at her ANYTHING.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )