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Dh and fake book whores.

SweetMom's picture

My DH and I both know each others facebook and email passwords. It was his idea he says to make me feel at ease. I got bored and logged onto his account and noticed some old bar whore he use to know poking him and commenting on his stuff, also liking photos of just him and his daughter but not liking anything with me in it. I also deleted this woman tried to be disrespectful I. The same manner and also friends with his ex wife" bitch BM" he got mad at me for deleting. This was a week ago. Today I noticed those same whores accepted his friend request. Therefor I re deleted this is rude of him and I'm really getting sick of some of his doings. Some of his good deeds are noticed too. He does work hard and calls asking me if I'm ok in the day. Am I being a total birch in not letting these threats have any contact with my husband?

Snowflake's picture


I have access to my dh's facebook, and he has access to mine. If I don't like something I see, then its delete, delete, block.

It makes me sick to my stomach when someone from the past tries to go fishing in my pond. I would just forward their note to their SO, or I would post it to Dh's wall to spot them out for the potential home-wrecking whore they are. My DH knows I will, and so keeps the past where it belongs. Smile

I make no if, ands, or buts about it!

Indigo's picture

Ouch. Sharing passwords for transparency's sake is one thing, making changes to the other person's FB ? Nah. Obviously DH wants to be "friends" with these women. Your issue is with DH and it is with him that you need to be discussing it. He knew that you were unhappy, had deleted the woman and he went behind your back to re-friend her.

momof4plus2's picture

I would be very suspicious and probably turn in to inspector gadget. That would bug the crap out of me.

Jruck14's picture

The fact that he knows you don't like it but friended them again is disrespectful for one and for two it shows a real lack of consideration for you. Deleting messages and phone calls is clear indication of dishonesty and obviously something to hide! Huge red flags!!