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crazy SIL (OT) - wreaks havoc on our family

NobodyMom's picture

My SIL has mental issues we found out about some time ago when she nastily verbally attacked my parents and myself over perceived slights.  Trust me when I say nothing wrong or mean was done at all...she is just not wired right and will take a normal benign interaction and make it something against her.  She has been dianosed with anxiety, depression and biPolar.  Usually problems happen when she is off her meds.  Her verbal attacks are quite vile and nasty.  

For years she has been halfway 80 year old parents, myself, DH (and my brother her husband) always bite our tounges and overlook things when she is rude or lashes out mildly.

Last week she went on a rampage against my parents and myself (found out after the fact she was off her meds).  I was working a part time job on top of my fulltime career (while DH is depoyed) and she knew ahead of time I would make it just in time for halftime show to see my nephew in Marching band after I got off my part time job.  But when I tried to sit down next to my parents in a seat they saved for me, SIL refused to move to let me pass and told me NO.  Said if I can't get to game on time then don't come at all.  She then got into it with my elderly parents when they said I have a right to come and sit with them to watch.  She then attacked my parents making ridiulous accusations against them, told us all to "rot in hell" and "f*ck off" and we are not allowed at nephews games anymore.   I started having flashbacks (like PTSD) of my evil SD and can't believe there are TWO people in my life like this. SIL left thank goodness.

The toll this took on my family is heartbreaking.  a few days later SIL calmed down and told my mother she doesn't know why she overreacted to me but it is all my mom's fault because SIL said my mom frequently gets mad at her.  THis is false, my parents are respectful and courteous to her...even helping and doing extra stuff for their family if needed.

My mom told me she and my dad are a mess (he has a bad heart), so mom sucked it up and apologized (yet SIL could not be specific on anything my mom did wrong).  Mom did this so they can spend their remaining years still seeing the grandkids and so we can all still have family gatherings.  My mom knows she did nothing wrong, but my brother said this is the only way there would be peace with his wife (he said he is leaving her in 4 years after the youngest graduates HS...he is misarable with his wife too).  My brother also told us, if we came to my nephews football games, she would see us sitting away from her and she would come over and make a scene...there is no reasoning with her. SIL is weaponizing her kids and holding our family hostage so we must give in to see our family.

I understand why my mom did this.  But I feel so upset and angry we have to take being treated like sh*t and my mom has to apologize so we can peacefully see my brother and his kids.  I know it is the only way we can see them and my brother knows she will make his life hell if he leaves her now (I think he is afraid of her actually).  At least when the kids are 18 they will have more freedom and can see us on their own.  I am having a hard time reconciling I have no choice in this matter.  I have had horrible things happen to me, am under great stress but don't take it out on other people.  Yet SIL makes all these excuses how much stress she is under, blah blah...and uses it as an excuse to treat our family like shi*t.  But here she is getting away with it because...the kids. If I behaved the way she did...for sure my family would not go that easy on me.  I'm not clear if SIL expects an apology from me, but I cannot stomach it if so. I however have no problem attending family events and only interacting with her if necessary.  This all was triggered after I rushed to see my nephew after working my part time job and made it in time to see him.  I don't see how that warranted a personal attack.  Unfortunately, I think if she ever attacks me again, my family would throw me under the bus for the grandkids sake. Nobody will take a stand against her because of the grands. Not quite sure how to deal with this.

tog redux's picture

Wow, I'm sorry your family, and especially your elderly parents, have to deal with this. 

I think I would likely avoid her even if that meant avoiding the nieces and nephews, too.   Seems to me that unless your brother gets the nerve to set limits on her and stop letting her bully people and use the kids as leverage, nothing will change. 

NobodyMom's picture

her as much as possible.  It's why sadly I don't have the closest relationship with my niece and nephew and try to hang on to what little I have with them.


Thumper's picture

Nope just nope...the RED line is drawn when adults treat older people the way your  SIL does.

Her behavior is grounds for NO contact.

NobodyMom's picture

politely defends themselvs from her crazy attacks, she comes back 10 times harder.  She did that to my brother so he learned to just keep quiet (I wish he was not so spineless) because she is RELENTLESS when she goes on these rampages.  Even after calming down, she still blames everyone else.


advice.only2's picture

Your brother chose to procreate with crazy and to stay with crazy "for the kids".  Your parents choose to enable SIL's horrible behavior and encourage it by continuing to apologize for it "for the kids".  You chose to go along with it to "keep the peace for the kids"  We all make choices in life, the question is are they making any of you happy?   .  

NobodyMom's picture

unfortunately my mother doesn't want to lose contact with the kids.  I know if I want to see my niece and nephew at family gatherings, I will have to be in the presence of SIL. I hardly interact with her anyway even when she behaved herself because I knew it was a matter of time before it happened again. I do however have no problem leaving if she starts up crap again.  She was good for literally 10 years with no attacks on our family (found out from my brother that she is always after him for something though)

Harry's picture

There is not much you can do except get a restraining order against her.  Just disengage from her.  
Getting a restraining order against a family member is not going to be pictured as a good thing. But at some point you must take a stand , If it comes to that,

You will never have a relationship with her. Unless she actually gets help. If that possible 

Kaylee's picture


Kids or no kids, your brother should leave.

For his own safety, and yours and your parents as well. How long until she physically assaults one of you? Or maybe she already has?

Ugh....this is just awful.

NobodyMom's picture

years back she threw an object at my brother and cut his head (small cut but he came to my house bleeding).  Yeah he should have left then.  I don't believe she has done that ever again, but cannot be sure.  My brother is too embarrassed of the situation.   I actually stayed too long in my first marriage (to an angry verbally abusive alcoholic).   I wised up after years of not having the confidence in myself and left the marriage, but not sure if my brother will ever have enough confidence to leave.  He knows we are all here for him and acknowledges she is emotionally abusive to him.

NobodyMom's picture

last time she attacked me and my family was when she was pregnant and my parents "resolved" things with her as their grandchild was going to be born.  I was a holdout so to speak and remained standoffish with SIL and my family was not happy I took a stand then.  I eventually gave in and tried to have a decent relationship with SIL, yet tried not to let my guard down.  Years later here we are again, only much worse.   Looks like I need to find a way to stay disengaged while supporting my parents decision.  Either way this sucks.  It's bad enough evil SD tore my family apart with DH so we are now a fractured family (at least DH didn't let his adult daughter hold us hostage with her kid).   To have SIL do this now...I don't want to keep losing family because of people like them.  Not sure why some people are not capable of common courtesy and civility.

tog redux's picture

It's hard for me not to feel sorry for old folks in this situation, but it's true that they are enabling her, and pushing you to do it too. It's not their business how you choose to deal with her, don't let them guilt you into doing more with her than you want to. 

NobodyMom's picture

SIL brought to them is not good for their health. I think that's why they want to "resolve" it in order to relieve the stress they feel about losing contact with the grandkids.  I am quite upset that they are enabling her, as well as my brother. being an enabler.  I have voiced to all of them this is NOT normal and they have done nothing wrong. The first time they guilted me to forgive and move on...this time they are thankfully not guilting me (yet) but again...I have no choice but to be in SIL presence at family gatherings in order to see my family.

SeeYouNever's picture

My SIL is borderline or bipolar too. More than once I have been made to apologize after doing nothing wrong but "making" her have an outburst when she was off her meds. She gets on the warpath no matter who she's with or what they say.  She doesn't have any kids with my brother thank God but she holds him emotionally hostage. My parents give in to her so they can see their son. My poor brother is so broken down by her it's tragic. 

She is also a horrible grown adult SD to a super cool lady who introduced herself to me at her wedding as "I guess I'm the evil stepmom". BTW her narc BM didn't lift a finger setting up for the wedding but stepmom did and got no acknowledgement at all.

These people just get worse over time. BPD is a disease that gets worse and worse.

NobodyMom's picture

You sound like you are living a life just like mine!   How were you able to come to terms with the situation?  I think my brother is pretty broken down as well.  I hope your brotherr will leave her since they don't have kids...that should make it easier for him.  Otherwise he will feel stuck like my brother until the kids turn 18.

SeeYouNever's picture

I hope my brother leaves but I don't think he will. He's 30 now and she has taken some of his best years. She makes him believe no other woman would want him and if they have an argument she threatens suicide to get her way. He won't leave her for fear of her hurting herself. He won't even stand up for himself for fear of her hurting herself. She holds him hostage and her own self with these threats. Her own family couldn't marry her off fast enough to make her someone else's problem. She has a drug problem (weed and prescription meds) and gets into about 1 car wreck a year. One a year! My brother wants to buy a house and have a family and he's never going to be able to do that with her. It makes me so sad. She is a liability min every sense of the word. She got into her annual car wreck a few weeks ago and I can't help but think the best thing for my brother would be for her to take herself out. 

It's so hard to watch.

Rags's picture

Smh,  time for the GKs to be seasoned with the facts of their mother's bat shit crazy.

Instead of attempting to preserve a relationship with this woman, IMHO it is time to start focusing on building an adult relationship with your brother's children.

She is gone in 4 years.  Make those years about a lifetime relationship with the kids.

NobodyMom's picture

"normal" they know.   Yes, we all tried to build relationships with the kids.  Unfortunately their crazy Mom controls access to them and like many BMs here, she is insecure.  She seems to have Goldern Uterus Complex and thinks her own husband (my brother) is inferior to her.  My brother is unfortunately useless to stand up to her. She seems upset if they have close relationships with their father's family.  She could use my parents for her own gain so they were allowed more access to the kids than I was.  The kids are always a bit standoffish, but i never stopped trying so I have no doubt she fills their heads with negativity.  She is extremely controlling.