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BM wants contact info

SMof2Girls's picture

for everyone in our house .. in case of emergency. Being that she already has our house phone, and DH's cell phone, there's no question that she's after my cell. She stated in her email that she's tried to call me and the call doesn't go through.

The calls don't go through because I blocked her number ages ago. There's never a time when she can't call DH's cell or the house phone and get through to the girls.

She provided her cell and home address (both we know), her mother's and her husband's cell, and their home addresses (same as hers). Her whole email is odd.

How, or do you even bother, respond to this?

DH has drafted, "As previously communicated, new home number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. Cell phones and home addresses have not changed".

EvilWickedSM's picture

There is absolutely no reason she needs to have your cell phone number. If there is an emergency and you need to be notified, for whatever reason, she can call your DH and he can get in touch with you. She has all the ways to contact her exH and child that she needs.

SMof2Girls's picture

Agreed. She already has my cell. She got it when she hacked into DH's email years ago when we first started dating.

SMof2Girls's picture

She has decided they need to provide confirmation that no changes have occurred in any contact info annually. *eyeroll*

EvilWickedSM's picture

Haha....this cracks me up. She can wish for it all she wants, but that doesn't mean that you need to give it to her. I agree with the eyeroll, she sounds like a doozy. I agree with everyone else....just ignore her.

SMof2Girls's picture

Yes, you're right. We're avoiding the temptation and ignoring her completely Smile

misSTEP's picture


There is no judge in the world that is going to rule that the BM needs more than two contact numbers. She can go pound salt. I wouldn't even send a response because that is what she is REALLY after. Attention.

SMof2Girls's picture

I think she's really just trying to confirm that I've blocked her on my phone. He could confirm my number hasn't changed, and it would just spark more questions from her. Almost tempted to let him send his email just to showcase for a judge how controlling and unreasonable she is ..

Tuff Noogies's picture


your dh should discard that draft and not even bother with a response. nothing but *crickets*

StepKat's picture

The only reason BM has my number is because the skids are on my health insurance.

SMof2Girls's picture

I should also note that this contact info request email was one of 4 emails she sent within an hour. All related to different, equally petty issues.

christinen's picture

I would just ignore her. She is obviously either a. trying to confirm that you blocked her from calling you, or b. trying to see if you have a new # that she "needs".

BM will NEVER have my cell phone number, EVER. I don't care what her reasoning is. She has no business calling or texting me for any reason, I don't care if it's about skid or not. I am not getting sucked into the drama and bs.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Ignore, that drives her insane. She is desperately seeking some sort of control.