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SS21 - Poor guy

justmakingthebest's picture

SS21 is reaching the end of his welding training. He has it in his head that he is going to be able to go work for the Ship Yard when he is done. This kid can't even handle his 12 hrs working at a gas station cleaning up a coffee bar. He thinks he can work 40+ hrs a week doing actual manual labor and having to take orders with no job coach buffer? He also still can't drive so that is all just some fantasy that I am not looking forward to the fall out when he doesn't get hired. 

Also, his friend is no longer talking to him. SS came into the livin groom last night sniffling and said that his friend from welding school won't even look at him or talk to him anymore. That he doesn't want to be friends. -- Y'all, my heart just broke. I want to go kick this kid in his shin for making SS this upset! 

DH and I told him that we never know what is going on in peoples lives and maybe he is dealing with some big stuff at home and just can't have a friend right now, it's too much. SS seemed ok-ish with that answer. 

There is a group not far from here for Autistic young adults 18-25 for social stuff. Parents take turns running the events and carpooling. I was really excited when I found it, but then COVID hit and they haven't started back yet. SS21 just wants a peer who will go to the movies or play video games with him. He is so out there though with his thoughts, no Neurotypical people have any interest in spending more than a few minutes with him. 

Thank GOD for my parents. My dad will entertain his ramblings and my mom will get about 2 glasses of wine in her and then watch a movie with him- they both just talk through the whole thing LOL , none of the rest of my family wants to watch a movie with either of them! 

I know there isn't much I can do right now, just wait for the rejection from the ship yard and hope that this group opens up soon, I guess. It just sucks to watch him hurt. I wish the world was a little softer for people like him. 


justmakingthebest's picture

Thank you Smile

Aunt Agatha's picture

Are such kind people.  Fingers crossed your SS gets a break soon!

Accidental SM might be on to something.  Diversity is rightly more of a focus in many companies.  Maybe find out from the job coach program or the welding program if they have a list of companies open to hiring from a wider pool.

justmakingthebest's picture

That's a good idea... maybe they know of something that he has a better shot at. He is just so hooked on the idea of working at the shipyard. 

ndc's picture

I have relatives who are welders at Ingalls. It's hard, sometimes dangerous work. If SS knew what it was like, he wouldn't want to work there. OTOH, it's great experience for a welder, but it certainly does not seem a fit for your SS.

justmakingthebest's picture

It is really rough stuff. I wish I knew someone who worked on farm equipment or something that needed a weld occasionally that would hire him on a "per job" basis or something so that he gets to weld but it isn't that environment. 

tog redux's picture

Are there other services available for him? Around here there are programs where people with mental illness can match with volunteers who want to spend time with them.  Or other services through your state for adults with developmental disabilities?  I know I'm in a service rich state, but you might find other stuff if you dig. 

nengooseus's picture

And there are a couple of agencies that contract workers for the shipyards (I don't know if in welding) that might be an option.  You might consider contacting Military One Source to see if they have suggestions.

BethAnne's picture

If you have any contacts at the shipyard, maybe he could go and shadow a welder there for a half day or a day or something so that he can get an accurate idea what the work is like. Perhaps the welding instructor has a contact? 

DPW's picture

Why did SS' friend react so strongly? Did they have a fight? 

You might also want to check online to see if there are virtual groups for him to join. It would be nice if he could get a social bubble around him. Would help him lots.