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What would you change about your SO?

zerostepdrama's picture

What would you change about your SO if you could? What would make things better for you and your relationship and your household.

***CAN NOT say you would change that he never had sex with BM and had kids Smile Sorry! LOL

Here is my list:

1. Better communicator all around- Can not communicate for shit!

2. More family orientated- We definetly have different ideas of how a family works. I would love to do more "Family" stuff.

3. A better Dad- he needs much improvement in this area.

4. More sensitive

5. Didnt drink as much as he does


askYOURdad's picture

My DH's worst quality is also his best so I couldn't really change it.

My DH is very laid back. It's great, he is great if plans suddenly change, go with the flow with most things that the kids or me want to do, doesn't cause drama or fight. It is also annoying because he doesn't plan or organize and forgets to tell me things or procrastinates certain things.

DH being laid back is good for me as I am very type A and he calms me down. Sometimes I love that about him and other times I contemplate homicide.

zerostepdrama's picture

My DH is very laid back too and I am Type A, so like you guys, it equals us out.

My DH's worse/best quality- is that he isnt really into apperance. He is comfortable in his own skin. Which is mostly a good thing. But sometimes I'm like BABE please can you put a little more effort into yourself, I mean we are going out to dinner!


askYOURdad's picture

Exactly, I tell him to pull his head out of his ass when something needs done and he tells me to sit down when the kitchen is already clean so I am matching Tupperware to lids lol

CBCharlotte's picture

My SO likes to complain just to complain, whereas I hate complaining unless I have a solution. He will whine "Ugh the dog left a muddy pawprint" and then do nothing about it, then complain about it the next day. I walk over the the sink, get a wet paper tale and wipe, then voila nothing to complain about anymore! Same when it comes to his Ex, he will complain about a situation with her but do NOTHING to change it, will not talk to her about it, etc.

Just be more proactive. Same in our relationship. We went ring shopping 6 months ago and he has made no effort to move forward and commit (hasn't talked to my parents about it, or the kids, and certainly hasn't bought the ring ; it has been almost 3.5 years). He's got about 2 more months and I'm leaving him, I'm not going to play the role of wife and mother without the commitment from him.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

1. DH needs to be more of a father and less of a friend to SD19 and SD13.
2. He needs to follow through or follow-up on projects and parenting.
3. He needs to NOT get so damn upset if his team makes a bad play! STFU.
4. He needs to quit getting up at 4:15am every damn day.

He is laid back and patient with the skids, but this is the one area where he needs to be more firm. He is a glass all-the-way full guy most of the time, so I'm pretty lucky! Except he doesn't like to parent, lol.

Guess what, DH? Me, neither, lmao.

~ Moon

Drac0's picture

It wouldn't be fair to me to wish DW would change since she has changed a lot over the years after being with me.

The only thing I would change (if I could) is her job. It really sucks. She works just down the street from home but she may as well work on the moon since I cannot contact her at all. Her breaks are sporadic and her hours change weekly. She could be working 20 hours one week and 60 the next. It's a never ending source of stress for her.

Oh, and I wish she would stop smoking too. I already told her this, but I don't nag her about it. I know if I do, she is just going to smoke some more so I don't say anything.

I wish she would open her eyes to the shenanigans that SS is pulling but as my blog can attest to, the rose-colored glasses are starting to come off.

Tuff Noogies's picture

exactly what Bark said -
"He needs to follow through or follow-up on projects and parenting."

this is what i'd change about dh. luv him dearly but he has NO follow-thru.

Teas83's picture

My husband needs to be a better parent in the rules and discipline department.

Most of his friends are still single and don't have kids. So when they call him and want him to go out, he asks me if he can go. My answer is usually "no", because we've got kids to take care of (one of which isn't even mine, so there's no way he's leaving me at home with her). Sometimes I wish he would just realize that he's got a different life and different responsibilities than his friends, so he can't do everything that he used to do.

Drac0's picture

Hee hee. Also, I I just remembered, DW and I have the Captain Kirk VS Scotty thing going when it comes to home projects. She ALWAYS underestimates the time and cost for ANY household project. I have a tendency to overestimate (perks of being an engineer I guess).

9 times out of 10, my estimates are always more accurate. But you know, because DW was right that ONE time in 10, she'll continue to badger and needle me about them.

DW: "I want to paint the hallway."

Me: "Why? There's nothing wrong with it."

DW: "I just want to spruce it up. The walls look dingy."

Me: "Mph..."

DW: "Oh common! We just need to buy some paint we like and do it! It won't take long."

Me: "It will take 2 days and cost about $75."

DW: "WHAT!?!? 2 days!? Oh common. It won't take 2 days! I say it will take a half hour! And it shouldn't cost more than $20."

Me: "Oh really? You'll buy the paint, place the mask tape, patch the small dinks in the wall, and apply the coat AND the second coat in half an hour and for $20!?"

Dw: "Okay, maybe it will take longer than a half hour...but it won't take 2 days!"

Me: "Do you want to do the doors too?"

DW: "Yeah."

Me: "Then its going to take 3 days...and it's going to cost about $100."

DW: "Grrrrrr...You know what. Forget it! I'll do it all myself!"

2 days later.

DW: "There! What do you think? I did it in 2 days and I only paid $35."

Me: "Yeah but honey, you painted over the electrical outlets, The doors are stuck, and you got paint on the dog!"

DW: "It will wash off."

Unfreakingreal's picture

I wish my husband would actually do work around the house without me having to nag him to freaking death.
I wish he would buy me flowers for no other reason than because he knows how much I love them.
I wish he would stop nagging me about getting fit. It just makes me eat more. Believe me dude, I KNOW how much weight I've gained, it's been a real sucky year, stop reminding me.