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back from visiting DH

young_step_mom's picture

So I just got back from visiting DH for the holidays and it was awesome! Except for E.T. and SS. E.T. was ok at first but once she saw me she went back to her old disgusting self. As for SS, no luck bonding. I really tried and we spent time alone together and played games and had a pretty good afternoon, but I still felt like a babysitter. I wish I could form a stronger connection w him, but I just don't feel it...I feel more hopeless every day. What to do, what to do? :? Oh, and Happy New Year to you all!!


Frustrated New Wife's picture

I know how you feel. We don't get to see SS7 very often because we live 1100 miles away from him, so when we do see each other there really is no connection. I really don't know what to do except to keep trying to make that connection with him.

Try not to feel hopeless, hopefully after more time passes that connection will start to grow. That is what I am hoping for anyway.

youngmama1b1g's picture

It's better to be the cool one that I always play games with than that chick my dads married to... keep the attempts up ladies! It'll go a long way in the end- trust me!