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OT - Ideas

Willow2010's picture

So all of the Obamacare mess has me thinking of new ways that I can even be more frugal than I already am at the moment.

A few things I already do ...

Make my own laundry soap.

Make my own Dishwasher powder.

Cut dryer sheets in 3rds. (Must be the good sheets)

Make most of my own cleaners.

I changed my electric plan to free weekends so now I only do big things on weekend. Wash and dry clothes. Run Dishwasher. ect.

Anyone have any more ideas?

The one thing that is really getting to me is the cable and internet. That is the bare bones plan and it is still $141.00 per month. GAH.


3LittleDragonflies's picture

Get rid of cable and use the internet for TV. Especially if you only want bare bones. ABC, NBC, CBS and other stations will show their shows online with limited commercials. You can also get Netflix for relatively cheap.

tryingmom's picture

Great suggestion! Google TV is supposed to be good and you can buy for $35, see all your TV on the internet.

Sweetnothings's picture

Hi Willow, love your money saving ideas.

We have recently got rid of our Cable package ( I mean we are two Adults working during the week, busy at weekends ) We put up an internal Aerial and catch local news, programmes etc, and we now use our Netflix package a lot more too. We're hoping in the long run to see good saving results, plus the Cable companies are sending us crazy offers to rejoin with them but we are staying firm ......

We also both got strict about buying lunches / coffees during the work week, now we make our own to take in , much cheaper !!

Sweetnothings's picture

We also don't have a Home phone provider, we use MagicJack, and save a fortune, especially for our overseas calls.......

Willow2010's picture

I am going to have to check out an internal Aerial. The main thing I want are the local stations anyway. can!? That's awesome. I want to start trying that too. Do you have a pressure canner?

BettyRay's picture

You can make your own fabric softener too:

6 cups water
3 cups white vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner

1. Mix water, vinegar, and hair conditioner in a 1 gallon container; stir. Do not shake it; it will cause foaming.
2. Use the same amount you normally use in a rinse cycle or spritz it on a wash cloth and throw in dryer.

I also hang most of the laundry to dry. I've got garment racks in the basement too (I use those when it rains).

I have the lights we use all the time on timers so we don't forget to turn them off.

We keep the furnace on a 3 degree differential - which means if the heat is set at 75 it has to drop below 72 before the furnace kicks in. We also lower the heat while we're gone during the day and at night before bed.

We dropped cable and use Netflix.

I clip coupons - every week I try to match as many manufacturer coupons to the grocery store specials, it's paying off. I saved $100 last week & $90 the week before. But it takes time which can be a downer.

Hope this helps.


Anne Boleyn's picture

I bet that saves a lot of money. I will try that. What brand of conditioner do you use?

BettyRay's picture

I use whatever brand is the cheapest as long as it has a nice scent. The main thing is the scent.

Anne Boleyn's picture

Here's FDH's list:
- Have Anne pay Netflix for everyone
- Only eat out if kids are here. Otherwise eat at home unless Anne pays
- Don't save up for engagement ring
- Take Anne on business trips
- Let Anne buy me clothes for birthday and holiday

Anne Boleyn's picture

I have and that's where my user name comes from. I called BM "Catherine of Aragon" because she acts like such a martyr.

He does have a blood clot in his leg!

Anne Boleyn's picture

I will definitely check it out. I love all things related to this story. It's fascinating.

stormabruin's picture

We ditched satellite years ago. We paid $80 for a digital antenna that pulls ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, & even a few Canadian channels.

We don't have internet at home...only because we can't get a decent signal year-round without cutting down the National Forest. LOL!

I hang our laundry on the clothesline. (I was forced to start this when the element went out in our dryer, but it saves us money.)

I'm curious about the free weekends on the electric plan. I've never heard of that!

Willow2010's picture

We pay a little more per KW during the week and then get free weekends. It is a promotion that is being run here in Houston. I have only been on it for about a month and a half. And I can really tell a difference compared to what I paid this time last year.

misSTEP's picture

I haven't made homemade laundry detergent in a long time. But I do use less and add baking soda and vinegar. This seems to really clean and freshen the clothes as well as soften them.

In the dryer, I don't use sheets anymore. I did the Bounce bar but they run out so quickly and SPENDY to refill. I bought the dryer balls. The only thing I don't love about them is how noisy they make the dryer. Otherwise, they are GREAT! They make the clothes SOO soft. They dry quicker and have a ton of lint in the lint catcher (not sure if that is good or bad....).

Otherwise, yes, cable costs drive me crazy too! But my DH is a NASCAR freak and there is nothing online that streams in real time. ::sigh:: I will call and negotiate a lower cost, though.

Otherwise, eating out or grabbing snacks in the a.m. from the gas station are our big unnecessary expenses.

Starla's picture

My dad thought his dryer was plugged up with too much lint so my DH went to clean it out for him. It was plugged up and it was from the dryer bars. DH ran a few tests on it outside to see if it was flammable or not. It caught on fire but burned like a candle when it became warm enough. Now if your dryer was to overheat for any reason and keep running, it turns into a fire hazard. He tried to speak with the company but they kept using the same line with him that all of their products have been tested blah blah blah. He went above their head and made a report. We saved the evidence from my dads dryer and my dad was only using them bars for a few months. New machines too and the good ones. Before it was cleaned, it was giving off a burning smell though it didn't catch on fire yet.

Willow2010's picture

Grow as big a garden as you can and freeze or can in the fall!

This is actually a dream/goal of mine!!

I started having gardens about 15 years ago. (Very small) I did great at my old house.

When DH and I got married we moved into his house. (very large yard) I have tried a garden at his house for the last 4 years. THEY ARE TERRIBLE. Example...I planted 3 cucumber plants this year and one GIANT cucumber and that was it. GGGRRRR.

I think it is because there is not enough shade and they just fry in the hot Texas sun.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

My aunt freezes her milk... it never tastes right to me. My cousins never had an issue with it though.

misSTEP's picture

Speaking of milk: my DH is too fussy for this (unless I sneak it by) but any recipes you use milk to make, use powdered milk instead of "real" milk. WAYYYY cheaper.

I've also heard of people that would buy a gallon of whole milk, pour half into an empty gallon jug and then use reconstituted powdered milk for the rest, making a version of 2% milk for a LOT cheaper than buying two gallons of milk!

Willow2010's picture

being more self sustaining
THIS!!!!!! Besides being frugal...this is one of my goals! We went without power and water for 2 weeks after hurricane Ike. It was awful and made me realize just how much we rely on other people. And I do not want to rely on a anyone but myself and family.

After making some changes directly related to becoming more self sufficient...we could survive for a while with out having to rely on anyone else.

Willow2010's picture

potatoes, we pay .10 a pound, dehydrate most of them in thin slices
How does this work? What do you do with them once they are dehydrated? How long do they last? What do you use them for? This fascinates me.

Willow2010's picture

I could never find a recipe that I actually liked for the cleaner. However...the one I settled on is equal parts Vinegar, water and alcohol with about a tsp of dawn in it. It cleans and shines and does not smell to vinegary. It does not cut grease to good though.

purpledaisies's picture

I use vinegar and dawn as well. i have been wanting a steam cleaner for my hardwood but havent had the money yet. I make my own body scrubs and use vinegar for fabric softner. I have been experimenting with different things but havent liked most of what I have tried. I did try to make my own eye make up remover but it failed.

Willow2010's picture

Oh purple...the best thing I found for removing makeup is Coconut oil. I also rub some in my hair at night. (Not a lot)

My skin and hair feel really good these days. It is a bit greasy but it soaks in pretty quickly.

Willow2010's picture

Hmmm...I just use it straight. It takes it off great for me. Maybe it is a brand thing.

Willow2010's picture

It does not take as much time as you think once you get in the grove. lol..

It can actually be a time saver since you don't have to go to the store as much.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

I started cutting back when I got laid off a few months ago. I have saved money in a few ways.

1. Making my own laundry detergent (45 min once a month or so.)
2. Make my own facial/body scrub. This cuts out cost of buying scrubs and moisturizers. (10 min to make a couple of jars.)
3. Coupons! I don't go crazy with these. I clip what comes in the mail, and I add digital coupons to my online Publix account, which I use by typing my phone # in at checkout in the store.
4. Meal planning based on what is on sale for the week. This made a HUGE difference because there were no more extra trips to pick up a few things during the week.
5. DH and kids do not go to the grocery with me anymore.
6. Coconut oil as a hair treatment/personal lubricant/face and boy moisturizer. I swear by the stuff!
7. Use recipes that are for casseroles or one pot meals. Cuts down on meats.
8. A ball of aluminum foil in the dryer instead of dryer sheets.
9. Make all cleaning products. Vinegar/water/dawn works for most anything. I add baking soda to the shower and toilet for an extra kick.

Other ideas that I did when single that DH refuses to be on board with:

1. Turn ac off when weather is nice.
2. Cut down on meats for dinner.
3. No cable

If anyone needs a recipe for anything I mentioned, I'm more than happy to provide it.

Pinterest is a great resource for ideas, too.