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We have reached the end

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

So it's been a week and a half since precious princess came back, do to being grounded at BMs. Well during that time her and SO have had mostly fought, because she has no use for him if 1. He doesn't give her way 2. He isn't spending money on her. 

So yesterday was the icing on the cake they had apparently a huge argument at the hairdressers. I know because the hairdresser called to tell me. Because SD was telling SO what she was going to do and showing 0 respect for him or his authority. 

I came home that day before I knew all this. SO was working and SD was trying to start an argument with me. Which I knew, so I just ignored her changed my clothes and left as I had done all week.  She wanted to use me as an excuse because she already made plans to take off to her friends house after her father told her no. So she was hoping to say I started with her and she left because of me. Yeah, no way sweetie I know your games! So instead she had to take responsibility for leaving. SO was so sick and tired of arguing with her he let her go. 

So here is me. I have not been home all week. He asks me to get dinner so I do. I have not said one word to him about his kids all week.  My son has been at my mother's all week. I come home with dinner, and bring up how dirty the floors are.  Well this leads to him unleashing a shit storm on me. About how I am always blaming precious princess for everything. Umm OK! I go in the house the eat my dinner. Five bites later he comes in and continues running his mouth, with no end in sight. Since I won't argue with an irrational crazy person I left. I came home he is still here, but I have nothing to say to him so I am assuming will be leaving soon. 

I'm completely fine with it. I gave and gave, tried and tried and ended up with 2 SKs who treat me like the dirt on the floor and now and SO who has decided to join them. BYE!!! Good luck spending the rest of your life alone buddy.



JRI's picture

Virtual hugs to you, im so sorry.

Go live your best life and come back and tell us all about it.  Good luck!

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I think that's his problem is that I already have. I refuse to live in the toxic environment that is him and his kids. So I finally went back to living my life as I knew it before them. When I am not home I am doing all the things I enjoy and leave him to deal with his and his alone. Not my circus not my monkey's. 

SloaneMichael's picture

So sick of being to blame for everything that goes wrong in this household, even though I'm the only one making an effort.

justmakingthebest's picture

I am sorry if this is the end for you guys, ending a relationship is never easy but it seems like you may have (unintentionally) checked out a while ago. I am glad you are placing your mental health above a Disney Dad's crap parenting. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

It's not that I don't love him still. But I can't fix what I didn't break. His toxic relationship with his abusive children and BM existed long before I came around. If he isn't going to work on his issues I can't help him. It took a friend pointing out to me that he is stuck in victim mode, it's the role he is comfortable in.  Plus I am a firm believer in if you love something let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If that were to happen I am one who learns from my mistakes. I would keep our relationship completely seperate from his relationship with his children and only see him on days they are with BM.

Winterglow's picture

I applaud your lucidity and wisdom. I hope that things turn out the way you hope for.