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Should I be questioning why my husband questions me?

tryingtomakeit's picture

Ok...let me put a few things out there...1.) I have never nor do I plan on cheating. 2.) My husbands previous marriage ended due to his ex wife cheating.

Every few months my husband seems to panic... Like last night he starting asking me if I had cheated on him. He got on the computer and saw that I was looking at a website (it was a clothing website) He was actually looking for a website so he pulled up the history. He then began to say how if I went behind is back and cheated he would never know it becasue I am good with computers and all this stuff. I have learned to tune his ass out when he starts this crap because I have told him and I dont think I sould have to remind him all the freaking time.

He seems to only get into this little tizzy after he has a few conversations with his ex. Which these past could of weekd has been about every day due to an issue with thier daughter. I dont know if they talk about other stuff and it makes him feel guilty or what and the he starts reversing it and trying to pin something on me or what.

What should I do? I have told him that each time he accuses me of something I have not done all he is doing is making me think he is comparing me to his ex and I do not need to be compared to that who


Lalena75's picture

Oh crew that's great, wish I could of tattooed that on my ex's forehead lol. My SO and I both bring cheating baggage with us. I was married to a serial cheater and he would do similar accusing me of cheating, sneaking hiding things to the point of it being cruel mental abuse little did I know he was projecting what he was doing onto me figuring if he could be doing it and getting away with it (I had blinders on)then I must be too and it is a huge red flag of cheaters. Every time I get nervous that my SO might cheat I remind myself #1 he is not my ex, #2 he hides nothing we had an issue in the beginning with a girl that would text him inappropriate things I told him whey it bothered me and that I would like it to stop but how he chose to handle it was up to him, he text her and told her he was with a wonderful woman and I didn't like her texting him like that, she got snippy how she was soooo sorry I couldn't deal with her being his bff she doesn't even live in the same state and she's married and I've never seen her. I then told him that placing blame on me was hurtful as well but that was on him. She stopped texting him for a bit then did it again I said nothing but he told her "look I don't like you texting me like you do it's not right for a married woman to text a taken man like that, what would your husband think? She as far as I know never text him again.
Now my SO admittedly says he cheated on BM, a few times after she'd throw him out for months. And technically he is cheating now with me as their divorce isn't final (there was a cheating discussion a couple days ago where I said cheating is never ever right but forgot the disclaimer except when divorce proceeding are in place and dragging on, the couples have made the split ans that marriage is for all intent and purposes over, but sometimes I get upset with myself that I feel like the mistress because of the situation).
Any way my point is I'm trusting my SO as he gives no signs or behaviors of cheating, he's an open book and so am I we've agreed we may both cheack each others phones, email, facebook etc if we feel we need to, we haven't we show each other things others send us that may be inappropriate and our responses.
If my SO ever attacks me and goes on asking me if I'm cheating what I'm doing, where I'm going with whom crap like my ex did my baggage will turn me into super sluth cause I will assume he's the one cheating and defecting to me.

kitty1470's picture

My ex cheated on me and my BF's ex cheated on him..alot. So we implemented those rules as well and we both feel secure in our relationship!

We haven't broken one yet in two years.