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Is it wrong of me to wonder why my husband and the ex still discuss thier 23 year olds doctor appointments

tryingtomakeit's picture

Ok. Maybe im old fashioned, but when I was 23 I had gaduated college, had a job living on my on and when i went to the doctor I made the appointment and went. I then called my mother and my father. There was NO communication between my divorced parents.

Well, the ex calls my husband this am to get some doctors names so she can make an appointment for the 23 yr old ss. I am sorry but he is freaking 23 years old. At what point is he going to grow up?

But, what should I expect, he lives at home with mom, has NO bills, no insurance payments, no car payments, no cell, payments. Goes to college off and on when he wants too. Parties every weekend, and has no life ambition. A freaking LEACH!

GRRRR---this subject gets me pissed every time-----lEEEAAACH thats all they are are leaches!


Willow2010's picture 19 year old son makes his own DR appointments.

And I would be flipping out if BM and DH were still talking once SS was 23 years old. They rarely talked after SS turned 15-16.

stepmisery's picture

Is this because the 23yo is still on parental insurance? I can see where parents might still be handling this if the kid is on their insurance.

Willow2010's picture

I can see where parents might still be handling this if the kid is on their insurance.
Really...I can't. At 23 yearls old the boy should have grown enough balls to call and not have MOMMY do it.

herewegoagain's picture


hereiam's picture

Exactly. DH told BM years ago he would have no need to speak to her after CS was done (he really did not say much to her at all once SD was able to communicate herself). BM called my DH once after SD's 18th (to test it out, I guess) and he told her he had nothing to say to her, EVER. She hung up quick.

Bonded for life? That's what you thought, BM. Suck it!

Anon2009's picture

Does he have a disability and/or life-threatening illness? If not, DH needs to be communicating to SS and BM that if SS wants DH to know this information, he can tell him himself and that BM needs to butt out.

Unhappy's picture

That's really not something I've thought about. BM still trying to stay in contact with DH after the kids are 18.

If DH allows that to happen he is going to see me explode like only a tru taurus can.