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O/T It's going to be a LOOOOONNNNNG Twelve Months

thinkthrice's picture

Exactly twelve months to retirement.  I took a few days off to work on the rental and everything exploded while I was out.  The higher ups keep messing with antivirus patches, firewall, web filtering (that I have no control over) which messes up software we use from a third party vendor.  Of course the other customers that this vendor sells to doesn't have these issues because they don't have higher ups that have total control of the webfiltering, firewall and antivirus.

So basically I'm stuck with a bunch of "it doesn't work" out of the blue and the higher ups will NOT admit to their constant "adjusting" of said devices that messes up my user's software. 

This is a constant struggle and I will be SO glad to leave this place.  Retired Dude didn't have this issue for the most part because he had domain admin privileges and they were hesitant to do anything to "his" servers while he was here.  The SECOND Retired Dude left, the higher ups (sys admins) descended on his servers etc like a plague of locusts... doing a million updates at once and breaking everything INSTEAD of insisting that RD, while he was still here, stayed the course on updates, etc.




Merry's picture

I hear you. I fought for FIVE YEARS to come up to current software release on a major enterprise system. We finally did, and it was painful. Might the pain have had to do with other people's stupid code customizations? No? Really? Now there is pushback about coming current on patches. I wish our CIO would have the balls to say "we're doing this on xyz calendar."

Head desk head desk head desk.

thinkthrice's picture

This specialized software is circa 1997   They have added on until it is one big Frankenstein.  Completely arcane.   Giant lumbering database on the back of an IBM telnet universe system. 

advice.only2's picture

Oh so you are the ones we curse about when our computers don't work and are always broken. J/K I know it's not you personally but right now our systems are so borked it's not even funny, we can't even get in to do time cards, so over useless system we use.