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O/T I Feel so RELIEVED!!!!

thinkthrice's picture

I FINALLY resolved the overhanging issue that Retired Dude left in his wake (in a big heap of ashes--shrugging shoulders) and it is now fully implemented!!!

The software absolutely SUCKS and hasn't kept up with the times.  Retired Dude was in on the ground floor in 1997 when they went live with it.  So he was very familiar.  For me it will be a year in late October since I've been flying solo.

It has to do with aerial photography that shows up on 911 maps and the angle shots which were all skewed to the max.  The scripts are supposed to point to latitude and longitude points.  Found out that the 1997 software company was running ancient active X software which could not handle the new angled aerial shots.

Had the photo company rerun the data through older active X and then it was time to point to it with various complex scripts (although not in the same area on the server--couldn't keep with the naming convention due to space issues).  All in all it's about 10 TB of data that has to be filtered down into the maps that the 911 people (and the Sheriff Dept, State Police, etc. etc.) use. 

I hope Retired Dude is enjoying himself in Nevada in his brand new built home while I'm still stuck here in upstate NY!!  (rolling eyes)

A much needed "break" for me tomorrow as I'm headed to Cleveland for one of Chef's oil burner training sessions.  We plan to uber into to one of Michael Symon's restaurants as well!

Next month I go to the 1997 Software Company's seminar (and drag Chef along with me) because it's in KEY WEST!!


Merry's picture

Honey, I get it. I'm not a techie, but I run a department dependent on an enterprise financial system that was implemented late 90's. And barey changed, even for upgrades and patches. Makes me carpet chewing crazy.

I party like it's 1999 almost every day.

thinkthrice's picture

oh well it will be someone ELSE'S problem in  1.5 years from now
