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Girhippo's Co-Worker Calls Me At Work (Incidentally)

thinkthrice's picture

So Mrs. Headlights is out for a week and whilst the boss (who has a thing for Mrs. Headlights' headlights) catches up on all her work that she has left languishing for months there was no one to answer the phone.  Mrs. Headlights normally views answering the helpdesk phone "not her job" now that she and the boss conspired to get rid of the older Admin Asst.  but I digress.

I pick up the phone and the caller says "Hi I"m So and So from Not-for-profit Girhippoville Foster Parent Counseling Agency and I need to be set up to print here."

After throwing up a little in my mouth I say "Oh you're from Non-for-profit Girhippoville Foster Parent Counseling Agency?"  "Do you know the Girhippo?"

Caller:  "Why yes I know the Girhippo" (sounding cheery)

Me: (quickly change the subject although wanting to tell the caller that MOTY's kids were and are still truant) "Oh well you''ll need to contact HR to get an ID badge for vendors/contractors and then you can go from there." 

Caller: "OK, thanks!"

I wonder what she thought when I abruptly changed the subject!