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Five Year Anniversary of the Houseshitter's PASing out over DINNER

thinkthrice's picture

Yep five years ago today, the Houseshitter (YSS) made such a stink (pun intended) about his homemade dinner, that he spit it out, stuck his tongue out and demanded to go "back to Mom's" (TM)

So Chef actually complied (this was after a long period of disengagement on my part with intermittent "pep talks*" to the skids)took him back and said "come back when you have some manners."

Now the Houseshitter went back and told the BM that we had "thrown him out because he was eating too slowly." Nothing was ever discussed as usual between the BM and Chef. The BM took her youngest son's word for it (at the time stb 7) and the rest was history.

A few highly-staged attempts were made by the BM to get back her ad hoc non-parental status babysitting services re-established by tugging at Chef's guilty heartstrings.

It took a few years for them to give up after trying to convince Chef to revisit the status quo (playing step-n-fetch to his children, the BM, and have me just fade off the face of the earth)

**pep talks: when a SM says to skids "come back soon so we can have more fun like washing dishes, sweeping floors, etc." or "you may have your father and your mother fooled but you aren't fooling me"

So tonight I am privately celebrating that it has been five years since the now almost 12 year old kid who shit all over my house on purpose because he didn't get his way with daddykins has not darkened my doorstep. And I blame both of his parents for it all.


DaizyDuke's picture

Man 5 years of freedom, of peace... Well, you did have that letter writing period in there from SD didn't you? So not TOTAL peace, but damn girl!

I have 20 months before SD16 is 18, and graduates and moves the hell out. DH assures me that she will run back to GBM/BM as soon as she graduates and doesn't need our address anymore to attend the high school she is attending. He BETTER be right!!!

DaizyDuke's picture

I know! I was just talking to DH the other day and we were like "less than 2 years now" then I was like DAYUMMM I can actually count it in MONTHS now (didn't say that to DH of course)

oh and then DH was talking the silliest talk about how some day when SD16 is an adult living in another state on her own and doing well, he wants us BOTH to be able to visit, so he wishes we could get along blah blah. If he thinks I would EVER step foot in that no toilet paper using, nasty room, nasty bathtub, lazy ass, bitches house much less SLEEP there????? Silly, silly DH and like she's ever going to be successful and living on her own.

P.s. What's going on with old Cheater, Cheater, Money Eater, SD???

Drac0's picture

Wow! It must have been such an emotionally wracking moment to have the actual date etched into memory like that.

I used to strongly believe there is a time in everyone's life where they wake up and realize what a God-send a home-cooked meal is. Sadly, after SS walked into my life, I think he will go to his grave thinking McDonald's is gourmet cuisine.

Teas83's picture

Your SS sounds like my SD with how turned that situation around to blame you for something and tattle to BM. Good for your husband for not putting up with that behavior.

I can't wait until SD is old enough to choose not to come to our house anymore and I don't have to see her or deal with her crazy BM.

AllySkoo's picture

Ah, we used to get that shit too, with the stories between houses! It came to a head when we told the girls I was pregnant. They were happy, wanted a brother, la la la, then they went home. BM called literally 5 minutes after we dropped them off, they were just dissolved in tears, we said "they were being replaced". :jawdrop:

Fortunately in our case, DH turned right around, we went to BM's house (not entirely comfy for me, but whatevs), and we had a Come To Jesus meeting with all 4 adults (bio and step parents) and all 3 skids. "OK, what's going on?" DH says. *stammer, stutter* "Nothing" *looking at the floor* BM repeated what they apparently told her, we ask is it true, they say, "No! She misunderstood!" LOL! Oh the look on BM's face when she realized that not only did her pweshus wittle snowflakes lie to her but they were also totally throwing her under the bus! She. Was. LIVID. Life was Not Pleasant for them for a little while, and that was the end of the story-telling. Smile