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question about texting BM today

stepsonhatesme's picture

Dh insists on texting BM every year and wishing her a happy mothers day. If that was the end of it it wouldn't bother me so much.
But we all know BM won't leave it at that. Please tell me if Im over reacting......

DH: Happy Mothers Day
BM: Thanks. I haven't talked to you in a long time. How have YOU been?
DH: Fine
BM: SS22 hurt his knee last night I think he needs to go to ER. I'd drive down there and take him BUT I don't have a car anymore.
I told SS22 that it hurts me to know we can't be friends anymore.
I've been thinking of you a lot lately. I miss you.
DH: I have to go. BYE!

Now DH actually admitted that he realized BM was hitting on him and cut the conversation off. But he didn't put her in her place.
He also cant see where this upsets me. Every time they text she brings up the past/and how much me misses/thinks of him.
The kids are 22 and 24 so its not like he talks to her but maybe 2-3x a year. Now she will text him on fathers day and say the same kind of shit once again.
I asked him very nicely why he texts he if he knows she is going to go there.
She Is STILL trying to put the kids in the middle of things.

My 2 DD text me happy mothers day my BS didn't say anything.
My SS24 doesn't talk to me so that leaves SS22....he actually called me and wished me a happy mothers day. (and then asked me to take him to ER) I think 1 time he said stepmom...but the rest he called me MOM!!!! Smile
(hes ok just pulled all the tendons in his knee)

So between my kids not paying me any attention, BM drama, nothing from Dh..... He puts in a request for meatloaf and mashed potatoes with gravy.

Such a great day (NOT)


twoviewpoints's picture

" But he didn't put her in her place."

Why would he? Bm didn't contact him, he contacted her. He didn't contact her to talk kid business and she run off track....he contacted her wishing her a happy mother's day. He might as well send her a 'I'm so grateful you gave me children, have a nice day Sweetie' text.

No, he should not have 'put her in her place'. What he should do is stop texting her.

stepsonhatesme's picture

I agree that he just needs to quit texting her altogether.
But when she crossed the line I think he should have told her that she crossed the line.

Justme54's picture

Amen to that. Am I right...He did not tell you OR do anything for you for Mother's Day! Then he puts in order in for you to cook.

Ruby55's picture

My husband did this once and then she started with it on Father's Day. I told him if i ever catch wind of him doing it again, we're done. It's completely unnecessary! It really made me angry.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Looks like he just learned to stop texting het Happy Mothers day. She is not his mom anyway.

Time to stop DH.

No saint's picture

Excuse me??? If my former SO even considered texting BM, I would lose it! They have a son and it's ok to help the kid making or buying a present for Mother's day (I used to help) but that's it!! Texting? No way!

SecondGeneration's picture

Yeah thats just weird.
First year of me living here BM sent SD with a birthday card for her dad so we returned the favour. But my fiance said hes not repeating that this year