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In spite of minor setbacks, it was an awesome weekend!

stepmom31's picture

BM's complaint: "When DH is working on the weekend, her kids are just stuck in a house with no TV, with pregnant me and a baby, and they don't want to come!"

LOL - So ridiculous!

We have no TV, but they can get to watch TV on the computer.
They have Wii and Xbox.
We have and play board games and card games.
We *gasp* do school work.
We *gasp* encourage them to read books.
We have them help cook and clean up in the kitchen.
There's a pool on the premises they can go to.
They can take their bikes out and ride.
They walk/ride with me if we have to go to the grocery or produce store.
They *gasp* have a good time playing with their baby sister.

DH argued with her last Fri it seems, to make sure he got the kids for the weekend, even if he was going to have to work. And when he spoke to the kids, they wanted to come even if he had to work, SS even volunteered to go to work with him! It's really just BM's complaint, and her trying to control the kids. He told that her she was denying him his time with the kids as their agreement says, and that they don't have a choice whether they want to come or not. He pointed out that parents do not always give their kids everything they say they want, because parents are the ones who know better and gave examples, and apparently she really couldn't argue with that. I'm so proud of him!

And we didn't let her "acting out by dropping them late" stop our weekend plans, we went camping and had a blast!

At dinner before they went home, DH mentioned that " You know, you guys can be honest with your mom and tell her you had a good time on the weekend if that is the truth," and that it doesn't bother him if they have a good time with their mom, in fact, he wants them to always be happy and enjoying their life. They murmured their "Uh-huhs". But after we dropped them back, he got a text from BM saying "Glad u and the kids had a good time." :jawdrop: Never happened before! Are these kids actually listening and becoming more mature????!!!!