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Reality hit me

Stepmom2.0's picture

The numbess I was feeling about my marriage being over is gone. And I'm a mess. 

I still love Dh. 

My heart is breaking knowing that our marriage is over. 


Notup4it's picture

You need to work on shifting your thinking.... it takes time, but if you keep your focus on that great things will happen for you and you will heal.

Just keep looking at this as an opportunity to have the life YOU deserve and want- a fresh start, and a new you. Focus on yourself and your DD only.... read books on mindfulness, get a hobby YOU enjoy, spend quality time with your DD and your family..... make new friends, make a bucket list— just keep moving forward! I know it looks rough right now, but you got this!!!! 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I understand your pain, Stepmom. It's not easy to end a relationship. It's even more difficult when you still love that person. 

In the days and weeks to come, be gentle with yourself. I highly recommend taking time for pampering. Look for an activity you've always wanted to do, even one that's just for a few hours. Healing takes time. We're here for you.  {{{hugs}}}

thinkthrice's picture

go back and look at your blogs showing he threw you over for his malcontent spawn.  

A lot of us would say you're lucky to have escaped stepHELL.  Count your bullet-dodging blessings.  Can you just imagine the influence his malcontents would have had on your golden years?  I shudder to think!  If anything more serious than a head cold came up, his bastards would lobby to pull the plug pronto! You don't need him or the awful crotch droppings he brought into this world.  Find a nice, drama-free childless man--they're out there.

You'll need to garner up your righteous indignation.   ((hugs))