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We can't have it both ways!

Sparklelady's picture

We can't have it both ways!

There've been a bunch of posts lately that have slammed both steps and bio parents - for the same thing!

Someone will write, "I hate bio mom, she interfered!" The crowd roars "Grab your swords and pitchforks!" Then a bio mom writes "My stepmom interfered!" And everyone yells "Grab your swords and pitchforks!!"

If a new comer were to read this stuff, they'd have nothing left to believe but that ALL the moms, bio and step, are ignorant, useless bitches.



Bio-Step-Mom's picture

I remember haranguing my sister when she became a stepmom and telling her all the things she was "supposed" to be doing.

And then I became a stepmom and tried to do all the "right" things and...


I can't be "like a mother" to them. I am not their mother. I see them for about 45 - 60 days less than once a year. I've spent probably 180 days total with the oldest ones and probably 8-10 days with the youngest.

I can't and won't spend "equally" for my bios and steps.

I won't try to make my DH be "like a father" to my bios; they have a father.

DH and I have no kids together and never will; I am done procreating. That adds a ridiculous amount of "extra" to the situation.

Etc, etc. the most you can do is take comments with a grain of salt. They are operating based on what works for THEIR situation.

JustAgirl42's picture

This is 'StepTalk (a place where stepparents come to vent)'.

Everyone's experiences and opinions are based on their own situations.

If you can't relate to another's situation, maybe you shouldn't take their advice to heart. Wink

misSTEP's picture

Exactly. To me, it is that some people must think they are perfect. Or at least that is the way it comes across. EVERYONE has made mistakes. It is the ones who have their faults pointed out and refuse to change that who are the hopeless ones.

There are horrible SMs like there are horrible BMs like there are horrible Bio-Dads like there are horrible SF like there are horrible people who don't have ANY kids and/or are single!

moeilijk's picture

Gak. Interfering, BM and fingers all in one post. Remember South Park, boy-band... oh, my tummy's roiling now.