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BM is being nice...sort of

smurfy1smile's picture

I emailed BM to suggest she and BF get email addresses to discuss stuff to keep the anger down and to attempt to reach a settlement on child support, custody and parenting time. We sent one proposal and she took 3 weeks to respond. Her responce was bascially take it or we are going to mediation. Negociations take more than one try each. We want more info in her insurance costs for baby. She claims it is 518 per month for baby but 1 year ago the cost for BF on the same insurance while married to BM was only 159 per month. Asked her to prove the change and the cost with a copy of a check stub showing the deduction, and she sent me an email stating her director at work could not explain the costs and the break down of what work pays and what employee pays for insurance. WTF!!!

Just send the check stub all ready - black out the other stuff we do not care what she makes - not really anyway - but why lie - except to get more than is resonalbe.

Any suggestions on how to get this info? She is a teacher and I know insurance is expensive but give me a break it does not for up that much in a year. Talked to BF's mom who is a pharmasist and her insurance cost went up like 20 bucks a month this renewal period.


ColorMeGone2's picture

Your attorney can subpoena her employment records to get this information. There's no point in her trying to hide it. I would tell her that she can provide it voluntarily or your attorney can compel her employer to provide it with a subpoena. She'll probably hand it over, saying, "Oh, I must have made a mistake. The amount I pay is actually $x."

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

smurfy1smile's picture

We did ask for proof like a check stub and she has yet to provide it. Believe me, we will pursue this one to the hilt. My ex pays less than a hundred dollars a month for medical and dental for our daughter and his wages are much. BM makes pretty good money at a charter school.

Will keep you all posted!

ttina's picture

Is she a state employee? If so, you may be able to do a search in your state and see what plans are availible to teachers. There should be a breakdown of single, single with child(ren)and family plans.

TheSaneOne's picture

Have you tried googling it? Play around with the words enough and even if you can't find hers personally you can tell her you will impute as to what the normal for her type position and the child's type of insurance. If in litigation you could also subpoena BCBS but hey - she won't want her employment records shown so thats the one I would do.
You can find the normal salary range for her position as well. I did this with my ex to calculate what child support would currently be due to life changes. I was able to come very close to what the court actually ordered.

smurfy1smile's picture

BM works at a montessouri school. They have their own ways and policies. Trying to talk to the school would be hard since BM was "doing" the principal while she was still married to BF. I am trying the BCBS 9 website and but everytime I try, it says it is unavailable. I BM does not get us the correct info we will use the amount she claimed to pay for BF on the child support guidelines.