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the eval is in! UPDATE!

smurfy1smile's picture

Its been a while since I posted and we got the custody eval report today and met with BF's attorney. Court is next week. No surprise the report shows BM in a glowing and wonderful light and BF as inadequate and clueless regarding the care of FSS1. The good news is the report recommends more time for BF and that BM do equal time in transporting FSS1. Currently BF does like 75% of the driving. BF tweeked some of the recommendations to what we think will be better and included him paying for insurance, which would cost almost $400 a month less than what BM is now paying, and who gets the tax exemption, BF wants EOY. I know BM will not want to share that but too bad so sad in MN that's the way it goes. If the attorneys can come to an agreement before court they won't have to go. Crossing my fingers really hard that BM will comply.

UPDATE: We thought what was offered to BM was fair. But not to BM. She refuses to share the driving, won't consider a cheaper insurance policy that BF would pay for, and does not want her CS lowered to accomodate the new parenting schedule, cheaper insurance and to correct to cost of day care and now wants back CS. This has never been brought up in court. BM still owes BF money from the sale of their marital home which BM is moving back into cause she can't sell it. BF has offered 3 times to forgive BM's debt if she will not ask for back CS but BF was turned down each time. I knew she was all about the money but the evaluator did not see her that way and now she is showing her true colors. Yes, BF can have more time but she still wants all the cash. SICK!


Rags's picture

Even the Dense Morons in the black robes on the bench in family law court will see BM in her true light eventually.

Hang in there.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)