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Junk food is called junk food for a reason

SisterNeko's picture

But I do think everything is fine in moderation. That being said how much is too much and when did you guys allow you kids to have soda pop?

I ask because I have noticed some things lately that - grant it I am not a mother, just a step-mom, but I wouldn't let me kids do these things and I don't let skids do it either (with the support of FHD of course).

This week alone these things happened.

First SS7's teacher sent home a note (the day after BM sent cup cakes to school for his class) asking parents to provide HEALTHY snacks for their kids at school. So I sent it to BM since she is the one that sent the cup cakes and she seemed shocked that they were 'demanding' that parents send healthy snacks. I didn't say anything to her (other than what the note said) but seriously the school is just trying to make up for the parents that won't take away the cookies and shut off the video games.

Then SS5 had a eye doc appointment (with a specialist) and then BM wanted to meet FDH at the eye glass place to help pick out and pay for the new glasses (she really just wanted to make sure that FDH didn't spend too much since she has to pay half). But when they were done BM thought that SS5 needed a treat for being good so she went to the store next door and got a big box of candy - then tried to get a 2nd one for SS7 (because she thinks if you buy for one then you have to buy for both). FDH told her no that they could share and refused to let SS5 have them right away because it was 4:30 and almost dinner time. I was at home making dinner. I was a little annoyed with her giving him candy so close to dinner so I put the candy away and then sent it with SS5 back to her house on Sunday. Smile

Lastly on Sunday (before the drop off) we were st a family cook out and it was bring your own drinks so I packed the cooler with a big jug of flavored water. But when we got there BIL1 and BIL2's kids were all drinking soda and SS7 wanted one but he pouted when I said no we brought you water (of course he didn't want water) I told him not to even ask for one because the answer was no. BIL1's kids were actually drinking Mountain Dew in the little shortys but I heard SIL1 ask BIL1 how many they brought because they were about all gone. This is the same couple that let their 5 year old have a (full)can of Pepsi at the breakfast table one other time. The other BIL2 had root beer which isn't as bad not that they should be having a tone of that.

And this week SS5 has started helping himself to any unattended soda cans. He took a big drink of FDH's pop Sunday night after BM dropped them off and FDH about came unglued. After that we started putting the cans up higher or watching them.

I feel bad because it seems like I am harder on sKids because I am pretty sure that at BM's house junk food it all the eat. But I have to say at our house they rarely ask for it (BM just gives to to them because she wants to be the fun parent). This week I had candy corn sitting on the counter and I gave them a few pieces here and there but never more than a few and never around meal times.


PeanutandSons's picture

We do soda maybe once a week for the kids. And a cup of it, not a bottle or a whole can. Candy is given spareingly as well. They have a candy bag that all holiday candy is kept in, and they can chose a candy once a day for dessert if they are good. But they are all fun size candies from like Halloween or Easter baskets. Once their holiday dandy runs out, they are out of luck til the next candy recieving holiday. They will occasionally get to pick a candy at a register. That's how *I* deal with sweets.

My husband drinks soda like crazy, but the kids have learned not to ask for his for the most part..... But he still gives it to them more than I like. He also rewards with junk food a lot, but luckily he isn't around the kids a lot, lol. He is of the mind set that every stop at the gas station requires a doughnuts and slurpee for everyone. He's the one pushing for junk snack at the super market, but luckily he doesn't come with me often. He's better that he once was, but still eats like shithimself so he ismuch more indulging than I am.

So yeah, I am far more strict than I normally would be because I feel like I have to counteract dhs influence. He has obesity and diabetes raging on his side of the family so I do my best to set the skids and my BIOS up for better success.

StarStuff's picture

Saturday is SD8's day for soda. Either she and I split a canned Coke, or she gets a whole one to herself. It kinda just depends on my mood. The rest of the time she gets either juice or water.