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Biofather out looking for apartment with his two sons

Shar's picture

They are out looking for apartment, he gets his sons wednesday and alternating weekends...boys say they are going down the street to a bar/restaurant to say hi to one of their moms friends....the landlord asks the boys who their moms friend was...boys answered....boys left...biodad stays there with landlord,, landlord tells him he had better call childs aid if she is hanging out with that particular person,,,biggest cocaine addict in town, everyone that hangs with him is trouble...needless to say maybe thats where all her spousal/child support,equalization 103K cash has gone in the last 2 years....Biodad has called CAS x2, doctor called, school called, everything was swept under the carpet....WTF? I don't get it...He wont call again, the judge laughed at him....the last time, accusing him he just didnt want to pay his support....Any one know what else he could do....we live in Ontario, Canada, where the legal system turns paying biodads into deadbead dads because the biomoms know how to play the legal system....its pathetic.


Anne 8102's picture

Oh, Shar! How awful! It's not Canada, though, I think it's the whole freaking world that's screwed up. I don't know how your legal system works, but here you can petition for a new judge and sometimes get someone else to look at it through fresh eyes. What about mediation? Sometimes I just have to shake my head.

~ Anne ~

Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)

stamina's picture

I am from Ontario and this isn't the case. If you spouse is concerned about abuse or neglect, he should continue to report it. The legal system here doesn't favour biomoms. In fact I know many, many biomoms who are single parents who get very little to no support from daddys who move on to new lives and leave them in the dust. Yours may be an exception but it does not reflect the system here at all.