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Drama over? LOL

Sam2's picture

Well it came to a head on Friday.    SD went to work mid morning and was scheduled to work until early evening.  She came home about two hours after she started very upset.  Said she had a bad  day at work.   Went right down to her room and didn't come out until her dad came home.   Turns out that T said something to her and she was ready to hand in her resignation but other workers encouraged her not to but to call HR and put in a complaint.  SD did so and HR informed her that this was her final warning to stop.    HR told SD that she was liar and needed to leave family matters at home and not bring them to work.    Her father getting invovled in the situation was actually not a good thing .   T reported that SD was harassing her and giving her a hard time.   So needless to say SD decided to resign the next day and her father took her in and she did that.    Fast forward to Saturday night.  About 8 PM SD comes up in tears that J has blocked her on social media as well as blocked her phone number.   She is devasted but still insisting they are not dating. 

She and her dad are both insisting that she and J were not dating however, he would spend the night over here at least once a week .  DH insists they were not dating because they never went out on a date.  However, we are in the middle of a pandemic with things shut down.  My daughter had a boyfriend that they never went out on a date per se but did hang out, same as SD and this boy.   Needless to say I think that he verfied they were dating and that he had dated T.   T probably verfied that she dated J and was dating my SD.  SD denied dating J and that T and J were dating.   So she looked like the liar.    I would also guess based on SD past behavior she wasn't totally innocent in the matter.   I feel bed for her as no one should have to go though this, however, I can't help but feel it was brought on by her.  

So now when BM goes back home after being here a couple of months SD will go back with her and try and get into acting or dancing.   They change all the time and a month and half is a long time.  

So far nothing more is happening with SS, however, I still think he is bipolar and hope the doctors here figure it out.  He's on a high right now,  working on his car, hanging out with friends, eating.   participating in back and forth conversations.   We'll see.  He's scheduled to get a heart monitor due to his heart palpations he keeps feeling.  I suspect the heart may be damaged to his malnurtion and that fact that he gains and losed weight repeatly as well as goes days without eating and then eats and goes back and forth. 



tog redux's picture

Did your DH learn anything about letting SD fight her own battles? Managers don't take kindly to adult workers having Mommy or Daddy call them about job issues. 

Peach's picture

Agree.  Your DH did not do himself any favors, and I am sure it will not be forgotten.  I hope he learns a lesson with all of this.

Winterglow's picture

WTF was your DuH thinking, interfering in his daughter's work situation? Who the heck DOES that? I'd have died of shame if my dad had done that. Doesn't he have any sense of boundaries? 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

All of this is ... insanity. Dating, screwing, hooking up - whatever you call it,, it's low rent trashy behavior. And it's happening in your home.

Honestly Sam, I don't know how you live like this. These people are nuts.

Sam2's picture

Well DH just got his final warning to back off.   What's funny is his daughter didn't even want him to get involved but he went ahead.    He had to go into store yesterday to pick up a machine.  He saw T and she greeted him by welcoming him to the store.  He decided she said it sarcastically and flipped her off.  Needless to say he got turned in for flipping her off.    Oh my.   Um I don't remember signing up for this.   I hope it returns to normal after SD goes back with BM.   I'm hoping SS will go with them also.    DH just told the hospital he wouldn't be following up with a counselor about the mental breakdown.  His son has done the genetic testing to see what anti-depressants he should take.   Ugh.