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UGH!!! BM strikes again!!!

RustyHalo's picture

FH just left to take some antibiotics to SD8. I am not in agreement with this, but who the hell am I?

Here's the story: A few weeks ago SD10 was diagnosed with strep throat. The Dr. went ahead and gave us some antibiotics for SD8 "just in case". Well, SD8 never did get it and the contagious period was 2 - 5 days. So, anyway, we called to talk to the kids at about 11:30 this morning and BM answers and says SD10 is at a friend's and SD8 is sick and has strep throat and can we bring the antibiotics down to her? FH told her we would call her back. Then he asks me what I think and I told him that I think SD8 should be diagnosed with strep throat first before we give antibiotics. I said if it's just the flu, or a sore throat from SD8's allergies and drainage overnight, then antibiotics will not help. FH calls BM back and she (the supposed nurse/person who answers the phone at the Dr. office) tells him that antibiotics WILL get rid of the flu even if it's not strep throat and we should just bring her the medicine. I am not a nurse, but I DO know that antibiotics will only treat bacterial infections and NOT viral infections. Giving a child antibiotics for a virus could eventually make the child immune to the antibiotics. But we can't get BM to understand this. So, FH said he was just going to take the antibiotics down to her. I said fine, bye. FH suggested to BM that she should just take SD8 to Urgent Care to get her diagnosed, and BM says she doesn't have the $50 bucks to do this and she just KNOWS it's strep throat.

I give up. Maybe SD8 DOES have strep throat, but without a fever, I'm not so sure. SD8 is a bit of a drama queen and has some kind of ache or pain literally every day. She gets a lot of attention this way from the bio-parents.

Oh well, what a great start to my beautiful Sunday.

I'm taking my 16 y/o BD and going shoe shopping!!!!

Hope everybody is having a wonderful Sunday.


PnutButta's picture, antibiotics will not stop the flu. I would call that doctor and let him know that his nurse is a dumbass.

I get strep at least 4 times a year, and it always comes with a fever (yay me!). Why give a child medicine that they don't need? In fact, they aren't giving antibiotics to kids around here for tonsilitis or strep anymore because kids are becoming immune to antibiotics so easily.

Our BM gives the kids tylenol whenever the kids ask for it...they don't even really have to be sick! Ugh, it's irritating.

I think your BM is a few crayons short of a full box....

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

RustyHalo's picture

Yes, I tried to tell FH that. SD8 will take some kind of a pill or medicine almost every time she is here and SD10 will NEVER ask for anything. I told him that SD10 is the normal one and he needs to think about that before he gives SD8 medicine. The last time she got a pill for a "headache", I swear she did cartwheels down the hallway immediately following and her headache was miraculously gone in less than 30 seconds.

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

melis070179's picture

If its strep she will have some white bumps in her throat, if its just some kind of infection, antibiotics might help. might not. Worth a try if you already have them, in my opinion. My whole family has had a sore throat and cough this week, a lot of people do right now. Chances are, if she goes to urgent care, they are going to give her an antibiotic because its all they can give her, so I dont see the big deal.

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

RustyHalo's picture

It's not a big deal, except antibiotics will not get rid of a virus. The antibiotics have a one year shelf life and why waste them on a virus? If SD8 does get strep they will be here for her to use.

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

PnutButta's picture

Yeah, everyone I know is sick or is getting over being sick. What the heck? I understand it's getting colder out, but it's ridiculous!

"They threw themselves into the interests of the rest, but each plowed his or her own furrow. Their thoughts, their little passions and hopes and desires, all ran along separate lines. Family life is like this - animated, but collateral." ~RM