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Short burst

Rouge20's picture

BM is an essential worker in a long-term care facility. She's the step below a Personal Support Worker (1yr college program), the ones they bring in when they need to pay someone less so the PSWs can do their other stuff (she has a two week online course). Today she posted a Facebook frame on her profile picture with "LPN Nurse's Week!" (Licensed Practical Nurse, a two year college program after high school) and then changed it two hours later. I'm guessing she got called out on it because she's not even remotely close to an LPN, she didn't even finish high school, and failed her GED. Ugh it makes me so irritated how she's working a minimum sponge bathing people and going out of her way to tell everyone she's a #healthcareworker (yes, complete with bumper sticker, gag). I hope an actual nurse tore a strip off her, but at least now anyone who knows her job knows she's an idiot (if they didn't already). So pathetic that it's the first time she's felt like she has any kind of meaning outside being a one night stand BM, and then she tries to lie about being a nurse. Gross.


This is my only vent space, so please forgive my negativity towards the actual job.


CompletelyPuzzled's picture

All you can do is be glad she has a job.  Stick around here long enough and you'll realize how rare that is with many BMs.  My DH was just ordered to pay an exorbitant amount of CS because our BM is lazy and refuses to work.

Rouge20's picture

Oh for sure. I'm glad that she has a job, but the level of pathetic just kills me. Sorry you have to deal with that <3

lieutenant_dad's picture

I feel you on this.

BM a few years ago was averaging about 1 new job a month. One of those jobs was similar to what your BM has, and she was all excited and posting about it online.

Then a few weeks later she claimed she was in a new job in an entirely different field and was being trained in this new trade.

A few weeks later, she was working a warehouse job.

I'm not against people taking pride in what they do. Everyone has a place in keeping the economy moving. But, there is a certain level of cringe and eye-rolling that happens when someone thinks themself an expert in something they aren't an expert in (or flat-out misrepresents themselves), ESPECIALLY when they roll onto something else in a blink of an eye later.

Rouge20's picture

Exactly!! She's been stable in this job for about 8 months now, but it just makes me want to puke how she's acting like she's the martyr of the healthcare systen and overinflating herself. Just more reasons to eyeroll I guess. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

BM here works in packaging and shipping and tells everyone she is HR??? Not even remotely close. 

Rouge20's picture

I definitely giggled about that. I've added it to my hidden album of stuff that makes her look foolish (because some days I just need a pick-me-up to scroll through)

Lifer33's picture

Bm here flirted with bosses son, and God knows what else to go from receptionist to operations director of a medical supply company, rapidly. 

She's all over fb with the 'im a keyworking angel'

Although I've noticed she hasn't changed her pic for 8 weeks, I guess the peroxide has grown out and the lashes have fallen off 

thiscantbenormal's picture

My MIL paid for BM's second schooling attempt to get some level of nursing...took her 2 1/2 years to get a CNA license.  There are 6 week and 6 month CNA programs out there.  The kids told everyone she was a nurse.