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Trying to practice LadyFace's advice. I don't think I know how!

Redredwine's picture

So, LadyFace recommended I say something to DH (and any other person involved in the conversation interruption) at the exact point it happens but in a sickly-sweet, vomit-inducing voice. Wording along the lines of pointing out the interruption and excusing myself.

I practiced in the car yesterday a bit. I don't think I have the gene that allows it to come out without being sarcastic or snide.

Please help with some recommended "acting methods" so I can get the tone right.

Am I going for dumb blond? 1950s housewife? Kindly old nun? Am I talking to a brain damaged dog? Am I the brain damaged dog?

Is it okay that it sounds so fake?


moeilijk's picture

Go for Marion the Librarian. I have been asked by multiple children who are not mine if I am a teacher. That's because I tell them what I expect as soon as I notice they are about to piss me off. And I have found using the phrase, "Is that clear?" while making direct eye contact with an otherwise neutral expression will make pretty much anyone think twice.

Mostly... say something before you're pissed. After you're pissed, you can't keep the tone out. But you're not pissed on irritation #1, you're pissed on irritation #gazillion. So say something around #2 or #3, once you sense a pattern of piss-off coming your way.

Natalie88's picture

Talk with maximum empathy, clear, slow full of love.... This is nearly impossible if your mad, can you tackle the conversation pre or post so you can pull off the right voice?

dood's picture

Oh my... I think I'd be a dead wringer for appearing insincere....

... or perhaps, for appearing as if I was trying hold in a gaseous excretion Blum 3

Redredwine's picture

Thank you for all the advice. I will try the various styles and different combinations in the car.

I did get this vision of me trying all of it and looking deranged. But perhaps I'd look more like BM and I'd get some attention.
(Dang-nab-it...see what I'm up against!? The snark is strong within me.)

simifan's picture

I go for the naughty puppy voice. After all you are trying to train the skid & DH. Works for meĀ