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On a better note

peaceofmind's picture

Since school started, her first year of Jr High, SD12 has had a shitty attitude. Constand whinging and back talk. Well this whole entire week she has been a superstar! Good test grades, awsome in cheer, homework getting done without being told, same for chores. And very pleasnt to be around. I told her today when she got home from school that she has had an awsome attitude this week and has been doing a good job. She said with a smile on her face, "you noticed?"

I love that she decided she wanted to have a good week and knew what she could do to have that. I've had an awsome week aswell. So I just have to say, I LOVE MY SD!


peaceofmind's picture

My sd can always tell when we are upset with each other. She is always super loving to me when she thinks I need it.

Synaesthete's picture

Glad to hear she's doing well! Let's hope it sticks and it isn't temporary boy-happiness or something similar. Smile

peaceofmind's picture

Haha! Way to call it! She is smitten with a boy recently. Lol! But I also think that she is trying to work on the attitude because she seems pretty senceir about it. But she is a teen (almost) so I'm sure she will go back to being a little snot eventually. Smile