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kids suck

peaceofmind's picture

I want to run far way and never come back. I feel like I can not take one more second of the whining and back talk. We can’t tell her no about anything with out the whining and back talk. I just want to leave. I used to love to be around SD12 and talk to her and hang out and now I can’t stand to even look at her. It’s like there is someone else in my sweet and well-behaved SD. As I posted before DH took a pay cut and now we are struggling. We explained to SD that we are tight on money and things have to change a little bit. I know that she is only 12 and cannot fully understand our finances but you would think she could understand that we don’t have money and when we say no it FUC*ING means no!

But heaven forbid that someone tells the almighty princess no and she just says ok. NEVER does that happen. “but but but but why? Please come on. Why not”

And to top it off, all I wanted was a glass of wine and I go into my cupboard to open a bottle and what do I see? All my wine is gone. Gosh roommates are fun.


lisa510's picture

Why have we become a society that allows children to talk back? When I was little, if I talked back, I got a pop on the mouth and no body labeled that as child abuse. It was pure parental discipline!

My boys tried that with me and I'd walk them straight to their room and for every word they'd utter, I'd add a day of NO PERKS - video games, tv, skateboard, bike, etc. They cut that out quick!!!

spark_chaser79's picture

Aahhhh yes the good old days- where you could spank your kids and not hear " I'm calling CPS". My reply would be "Here is the phone". My SD is whimsy to but I just look at her And say no whining and she pouts a little more then goes away then comes back to talk. I don't treat her the way my wife and her family or the way that her dad and his family treats her and i get told that I'm being mean. I just say no I just do t spoil her like everyone else does. In case you haven't guessed both my wife and my SD are single kids. I come from a big family so I know what respect is. I feel your pain and can only say that after I'm strict with my sd she only wants to be around me more. Like she wants someone to keep her in line.

caregiver1127's picture

I have always found that children really do want boundaries. I don't know why parents today find that so hard to believe. Children want discipline and to be told what to do - it shows you love them and care for them. But instead we have a bunch of divided parents trying to show their love by buying the children things and letting them get away with murder. This is going to come back and bite this generation in the butt. We are going to have a bunch of "Adults" livings with their parents and not showing any signs of growing up and then these same parents will be asking the question how did this happen - Oh I don't know maybe because you raised them this way!!! I don't let my DD or SS get away with anything and luckily DH backs me up 100% and if BM wants to say something to me let her - I tell her when he is with us it is our rules and if you want to try to keep him out of DH's life then you will have him 52 weeks of the year with no break and no time for those adult vacations you love so much!! That usually shuts her up.