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I think I can do better.

Onefootout's picture

Question is do I want to. I live with a 17 yo SS who is emotionally 10 years old. And he lives here full time, every day of the year. SS' infantile behavior is not improving one bit and it's SO's fault.

SO refuses buy SS a car so SS can learn to drive (he's not coordinated enough to drive SO's manual shift truck).

SO has made no efforts to teach SS to drive. He's not pushed SS to get a part time job. SS is socially inept and has lots of issues relating to people. A job is exactly what he needs.

And per my recent post, I don't think I can live another year and a half watching SO enable SS' baby behavior. It drives me up the wall.

We just came back from my sisters wedding. I'm the only sister left who's not married. And of course I'm now thinking I want to get married too. I've been with SO for two years. I'm tired of putting my life on hold because he won't push his son to develop emotionally and learn life skills.

I'm not gonna live here while SS17 asks his dad how to reheat food in the microwave when we all know he can figure it out himself.

My original plan was to wait until SS moved out and then we could talk about marriage. But with no hope of SS learning the skills to live on his own, that plan has changed.

I want to be married. I'm in my 40's. I've waited long enough. I don't think I should have to put my life on hold for a boy who is never going to cut the apron strings.

I'm attractive. I've lost weight. I feel good about myself. And I'm living with a teenager full time who has 2 hour conversations about what if Superman were to retire, and watches nothing but cartoons when he's not playing Xbox.

I wonder if I should cut my losses before my stock goes down any further.

I'm also considering forcing SO's hand. My requirements are he buy a car for SS that SS can wreck and it won't be a great loss. He teach SS to drive . He must go with SS and make him turn in applications and go back with SS for a follow through interview Untill SS gets a part time job. And SS moves out after graduation, even of SO has to pay for his apartment.

This will most likely force SO's hand and he will likely say no. But it's better I know this now. I have a right to be happy iny home, to get married, to live with people who are respectful towards me and aren't jealous of me.

I think I can do better maybe....question is do I want to end things and deal with another big change in my life. Another move.

Sorry about typos I'm on my phone.


Onefootout's picture

Sueu2 stay off my blogs. And I mean it. I have to deal with plenty of unstable people as it is and I don't need another one.

Just J's picture

For myself, personally, I would never waste my time in a relationship that had no future. And two years is long enough to determine that. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, I just know that I would feel that way if I were in your situation.

It sounds like you are not happy in your relationship, and who could blame you? Your SS would bug the hell out of anyone! I have no tolerance for able-bodied teenagers who sit around playing games all day, not preparing themselves to be productive members of society. Hell, my own SS23 has a job but irritates the shit out of me with his gaming every moment he is not working and his complete lack of ambition to do anything with his life. He says he is moving out in a couple months but I just don't buy it because he is CLUELESS about what it takes to live on his own.

It doesn't sound like your SO is helping his son grow up at all. At 17 he is not driving or working, to me he is waaaaaay behind in life already. Chances are your SO is not going to step up and suddenly do what he should be doing to motivate his son to be the man he should be. So the question is, can you live like that? Is it enough? Everyone deserves to be happy, life is too short to just exist. Don't think of it as a negative that you may have to move and make a change, think of it as starting a new life (if that is what you choose to do). It could be exciting. It could be the best thing you've ever done. But if it were me, I wouldn't want to be in the same situation in two more years, and wish I had done something a long time ago.

Onefootout's picture

Thanks Just J, I appreciate it.

I do have problems with big changes and that's my issue, not SO's or SS'.

I'll just have to decide how to tell SO. It will hurt bad. I think he knows his kid needs help
And therapy but he just won't accept it. I'm actually being an enabler as well. Tough choices.

Sometimes he does make changes but he has to know I'm ready to leave before he will do it.

Onefootout's picture

Cooookies, thanks. Deep down I really think he may be on the spectrum but SO won't get him any help or support to help SS have a better quality of life. I've hinted to SO about this possibility and I was quickly shut down. Our next door neighbor's son is 18 seems Autistic and in a more severe way, and he drives, although very slowly.

I also think SS is way more capable than what he lets on and any Aspergers he may have is pretty mild. There are lots of places that employ special needs kids, grocery stores, fast food places.

It turns out that SS is also rude and disrespectful to me in a very quiet passive but hostile way. And there are plenty of kids that have Aspergers who are not like that.

But I really appreciate your comment.