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So happy! Also kind of worried about something...

Nymh's picture

BM was served with my restraining order today! Woohoo! BF was there when she got it because it was served to her in court. Boy was she pissed! She was already pissed, of course. She always is. She tried, yet again, to use this court date as an opportunity for her to bitch about everything she hates about BF, me, and everyone. And, again, she was told that none of that really mattered. Right there in front of everyone she said "Well I'll just deny him visitation then and he'll never see SS." Everyone in the room froze and looked at her. I can't believe she could be so stupid. She was informed that if she did deny visitation, she'd go to jail if this judge had anything to do with it, especially considering BF is current on his CS. Both of our lawyers are afraid BM is going to commit suicide soon - especially if she gets custody taken away from her. She's so unstable, and I've wondered it often myself, but to have so many people on the same wavelength questioning it is kind of scary. What will we do, how will we feel, what will happen to SS if she does kill herself? Will he blame it on us? Will he blame it on himself?

I'm not as scared of her killing herself as I am of her killing or hurting SS. Crazy people sometimes think "if I can't have them, no one can". I seriously can envision her killing SS to keep him from us, or injuring him so badly that he needs to be hospitalized and then claiming that he shouldn't be taken from his mother when he's in such desperate need for her.

What are your thoughts on this?


Sebbie's picture

NCP should have rights too! Dh and I are headed back to court soon for modifications of DH and BM entire divorce decree to include c.s, and custody. Originally dh wanted to attempt getting full custody of ss however, the more we thought about it the more we felt that if we did actually get custody, bm would do something extremly irrational, like hurting self, hurting ss, or coming after us physically. Not to mention the small things like calling dfcs on us every other day, or attempting to get us arrested for one thing or another...not only is she vindictive but extremely I understand the legitamacy of your concerns...we havent got a court date yet, but will let everyone know when we do...kinda freaked about even having to see this woman agian.

Nymh's picture

It's unfortunate that you and I can sympathize with one another. I think it's horrible that people should be put in positions such as ours. SS is NOT in a healthy environment living with BM, and every day that he is with her there is more abuse and torture to SS. More pain and heartache and more of him being put in the middle of her screwed up problems and insecurities. But if we take him away from her, she may come after us, or him, or herself. Which is the lesser of two evils? Do we continue to sit by as this woman abuses her own child, or do we take him away in the knowledge that he will be in better hands with us, and just hope that she won't go completely off the deep end? It's so frustrating, and is a cause of a lot of stress for us and our lawyers. We're much more concerned than our lawyers, of course. They really don't care if she does kill herself and will be there for us no matter what happens. I'm just worried and not really sure what to do. BF seems to think that whether she does something completely irrational or not, SS needs to be saved from her and we can deal with whatever the fallout is from that when it comes.

I don't know, I'm just worried.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

jlmtik164's picture

I feel the same like your DH. The important person here is your Sk and if its necessary for you guys to take custody of him coz of his mother's instability, I think you should go ahead. Probably psycho BM will make it easier for you guys when she denies DH visitation and the judge awards custody to you. She will only have herself to blame but being the crazy irrational being that she is, she will blame you and your hubby for her consequences. I don't know how old you SK is, but if he is old enough, he might be seeing how his mother is behaving and causing him so much pain. You can also explain the situation to him if you happen to get custody. You have no control of her actions. Even right now she might do something stupid in retaliation over the RO.(God forbid she does). I honestly hope that she won't try to harm SK, you or your hubby physically. It might sound mean but I wouldn't really care if any of these super evil BMS committed suicide brought upon by their own actions. They want everything their way or nothing. When they don't get what they want, they start throwing tantrums with stupid threats. Now thats their problem. It will be difficult for the kids at first which would make it difficult for us SMs to see kids having to deal with such trauma but life has to go on. What are we going to do? Your situation is tough but i pray for you that things will fall in place by themselves with no drama. I have experienced times when I am in a tough position and I don't know what to do and somehow things just work out by themselves. Do what you really feel is right for the child. all the best. I will be thinking of you.

OldTimer's picture

When we were knee deep in custody battles with SS years ago, and I felt the same way because of BM's irrational behavior, and in someways, she really did try to harm herself, because (unbeknownst to us then) she did so by starving herself to numb her feelings. The whole anorexia thing. As I look back and know what I know now, I can totally see and make the connections. But at the time, I worried because she was soooo unstable and frantic all the time. DH even brought it up one time, and yes, we were concerned, but the truth of the matter is that we needed to be there for SS and give him a safety net. We prepared ourselves for this possible outcome, but fortunately, somewhere down the line, she pulled through. And last summer, she got herself help- which is working. So, in my case, I can say that I must be one of the rarities... LOL.

For you, I would say that the best thing you can do is to focus your attention on SS and provide him that safety net. No pressure, just let him be a kid, and give him a voice when needed. Lots of support and love will go a long way. If something does happen, just be prepared to set up a counseling network regardless how SS reacts, because than it will provide a means for him to deal and handle it properly, and as a family. But let's hope that's not going to be necessary! Personally, I won't worry until it's absolutely necessary.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

lmdavi0's picture

i mean, it is obvious bb is causing ss emotional problems, i.e. emotional abuse, so can't you call child services? at least have her psychologically evaluated? then you could get emergency's a step. i'm sorry you have to deal with this, it's just crazy! this is where we are supposed to be and we need to help out as much as we can. it will be worth it some day when ss is grown and living a good life, CONSIDERING. if my dh can grow up and live a good life, having no dad and a shitty mom, then anything is possible, especially with a step-parent like you!
best of luck!!!

Nymh's picture

BF dalled DCS on Monday. Their turnaround time is anywhere from 2 hours to 5 days, then they'll write us a letter to tell us if they found any reason for further investigation. As of yesterday there hadn't been anyone out there because with all the ranting and raving BM did at the courthouse, she would have mentioned it had it already happened.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Caitlin's picture

Nymh, your thoughts and fears are exactly my own. Things have gotten so out of control this week that it looks very likely that we will file an emergency petition for custody in the immediate future and I'm sure the backlash will be even worse than what we're going through now. Anything could happen. You can't put anything past these women. They will stop at nothing. Scary stuff.

Best of luck to you!

Nymh's picture

I'm beginning to think that even if BM does kill herself, it will still be better to take SS now. Regardless of the aftermath, he needs to be in a loving, supportive, and CLEAN home. The environment that he lives in is so physically and mentally dangerous, I don't see how the poor thing still can cope. If there is aftermath, we'll do everything we can to keep it away from SS. I don't care how horrible she makes our lives, as long as we can protect SS that's the most important thing. And I'll tell you what, first thing on the agenda is getting that damn cellphone that she bought to keep tabs on him turned OFF. I propose we schedule 1 hour at night where it will be turned on and that is the only time it will be on, so that she can call him if she wants to during that time. If she's not home or forgets, too damn bad. The truth is the poor kid hates talking to him Mom especially when he's with us and every time that phone rings he gets so sad and defeated.

I still don't know how we'll handle things if BM kills herself, but I've pretty much decided that getting SS out of there is #1 priority. We'll deal with everything else as it comes.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

OldTimer's picture

In your case... let her talk to the voice mail- LOL. But we all know that won't be right either...

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

str8_trippin's picture

What an unfortunate situation! I can only imagine how stressful this time must be for your family. *prayers for u guys* I was just curious as to what grounds the lawyers have for believing she is suicidal, and has she had a psych-evaluation yet??? If not, hopefully she gets one soon-so they can whisk her away to the nut hut and she can get some real help, like shock therapy!!! Her life must be sooooooo miserable, that she has to project that onto you guys constantly. Hang in there, I hope for SS sake she recieves professional help-IMMEDIATELY!!!!

Little Jo's picture

I've told you all along, my fear with her is that she will do something extreme. Mainly, run away with SS. The suicide thing. Oh well. I feel the same way sometimes. Lets face it, Darkness slit her wrists last year. Bf & I talk about the 'what if's' if she does it again and succeeds. But we realize there is no sence in guessing what might happen. Cross that bridge if & when you get to it.

I always have prayers for you. Jo

Nymh's picture

The more people I talk to, the more afraid I am that BM is going to do something drastic, and soon. Everyone seems to agree in that. Most people are afraid that she is going to hurt or kill SS. I'm seriously thinking about this now. Could we get into any kind of trouble if we filed an emergency petition? My parents say that if we are in fear that the child is in imminent danger, this doesn't need to wait until our lawyers get around to doing it (which could be a while considering it took 3 months to get my restraining order...). By that time she could have already gone off the edge and done something horrible. What can I do?

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Anne 8102's picture

Nymh, I think that if you are convinced this child is in imminent danger, then you HAVE to do something. If she does something, how could you guys live with yourselves knowing you didn't do anything to stop it? You can't get into trouble by filing an emergency petition if you have reasonable cause to think it's necessary. I think you'd get into more trouble if you knew she was capable of this and did nothing. I feel for you guys. We went through a period of several months with no phone calls, no visits, no anything, except finding out BM's husband had been arrested for beating her and choking her in front of the kids. We had to call DCFS to find out if the kids were okay and still in the house, because we had no idea where they even were. It's a tough call, definitely, but if you feel like a child's life or mental/emotional well-being are in imminent danger, how can you stand by and let it happen? Worst case scenario is everyone got worked up unnecessarily, but I don't think you really believe that's the case. Follow your gut and trust yourself. Good luck and keep us posted.

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt