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I Put My Foot Down!

newstepmom2008's picture

Mommy Dearest is at it again! I told my husband that there is NO WAY we are giving into her this time! I've had it, apparently neither one of them believed me when I told them they'd pushed me to my limit!

I'm not giving into ANYTHING else with this whack-o! She can throw whatever temper-tantrum she wants but the only thing she'll get is a hoarse voice!


newstepmom2008's picture

...he can't stand her either, but he HATES to fight with her! He's constantly afraid she's going to take him to court for more money. I told him to tell her if she even thinks about it be prepared for a custody battle and at the very least I will push to know where every single cent is spent...I have a few friends who say I can get the courts to order her to turn in receipts to account for every dime! She's not going to like that since NONE of that money gets spent on those poor children. She makes them look like they crawled out from under a rock and god forbid she buy them soap and shampoo -- they are always sooooooooo filthy dirty! UGGGHHH!

I don't think at this point with her lifestyle either would be too far fetched! Sad

I warned her when she was trying to stop this marriage and then when she was trying to split us up after the marriage that if she didn't but out of my life I would be her worst nightmare. I originally tried to take the high road, but this money grubbing freak doesn't understand anything unless it follows the trashy logic of a Jerry Springer episode!

All can say is after last weekend's stunt and her latest request, she can forget EVER having me cooperate unless it suits MY schedule! The thing that angers me so much is that both BM and DH are worthless when it comes to parenting. DH is at least willing to try to improve. Of course I have to blow my top every so often to get him to realize I'm serious. Which that in and of itself frustrates the daylights out of me! I had a mini vent session with my mom and she totally agreed with me on everything.

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

I actually had to move out for BF to realise how serious I was about putting up with BMs bullshit.

Stand your ground, you have every right.