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This is me blog hogging.

misskiya's picture

Sorry for the blog hogging, but everyone is always so helpful. So here's an issue that has been gettign under my skin for a long time. I've been trying to positively correct the issue, but had no success.

I swear SS5 is a compulsive liar. I would say 90% of the things that come out of his mouth are lies. Not stories, like most kids tell, just blatant lies. Example;

SS5 wanted to play with the laser pointer I have for the cats. He was watching the floor and repeatedly pressing the button, so I figured maybe it wasn't working.

Me: Hey SS5, is the light working?
*stare and crickets*
Me: SS5, can you see the light on the floor or does it need new batteries?
Me: SS5...?
SS5: Yes, it's working.

Less than 60 seconds later the laser goes flying across the room as SS5 screams "It wont turn on!"

Me: SS5, why didn't you just say it needed batteries?
SS5: You didn't let me see.
Me (knowing we're getting into the string of lies and wanting to stop it early): No, You had time, you looked, you said it worked.
SS5: I can't know how it works.
Me: SS5, that's enough. You can stop playing with the light if you are going to lie to me.
SS5: Everyone hates me!

The conversation continues like this for 15 minutes. Poor poor SS5, everyone hates him, he doesn't know how to be good, he always gets punished, he's always bad, he doesn't know how to tell the truth, and on and on. All of these things come from his mouth. He has such "victim" syndrome. It leads to consistent lying.

Where do you go when you can't ask a question, any question, and get the truth?


MyMistake's picture

I don't know, but he sounds just like my SS, who just turned 15. Constantly lies, blames everyone else for why he cannot do things and then cries and says everyone hates him, or better yet he hates himself. Granted mine is a teenager and I'm sure hormones are playing a role, but I met him when he was 10 and he was always this way, just not as dramatic. Not sure if you will ever get the truth from him, but if you around long enough you will be able to tell when he is lying. I wish I could help you, but really all I can offer you is a hug! Good luck!