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Graduation Day. *Updated*

MissK03's picture

Here we are... and... no verdict yet on if BM is going to be there or not.

This is all strange for me. Skids have said zero, she never contacted SO about tickets.. nothing. Radio silence. 

SO thinks she is going to be there. I'm on the fence. Unless she went this past weekend for the start of bike week she wouldn't miss it. Her sentence to SD saying she was going to miss graduation for SS17 if it was pushed is still questionable. I do not see her husband missing bike week. Also, the no contact makes me think she won't be there. Normally she would be texting SD to sit with her or something about her parents. We've heard nothing... 

Last year were texts and calls for days leading up...

We will find out in a few hours I guess! *Shoulder shrug* 

For the record.. BM doesn't "bother" me. I honestly think she's intimidated by me to a degree. BM is a flake with no depth. We never see her. Last time was SS18s graduation so that's good. I just want to know what to expect walking in. 


BM was there. Her husband was not. Had to be around her for 5 minutes... heard her baby voice talk **eye roll** I'm surprised she came.. she's probably driving back up. Did notice she has extensions in though LOLLL. SD didn't wait for BM she just went to the car haha. 


caninelover's picture

Is a little eerie but I would think the same as means she's probably not going to be there.  Well can't wait to hear what happens!

MissK03's picture

Yeah the silence thing is not like her... We aren't asking the kids either if they've heard anything. We will see haha. 

Harry's picture

Bike week is more important then your kids.  You can only enjoy Bike Week once a year.  If you miss that what going to happen to all that beer. Undrinken beeer is bad for the environment.   

Rags's picture




My SS will never have a memory of his mom, me, or my family missing any of his notable events.

He will also never have a memory of any of the SpermClan being at any of them.  Always an excuse if any communication at all from them. As much as I detest that entire shit storm of a shallow and polluted gene pool, it makes me sad for my son.

He is truly a good man of standards, character, and honor. Them, not even a little bit of any of those characteristics.  He is definately his mom's son.  Mine too.

MissK03's picture

BM has missed out on a lot of events for the kids. I remember early on SD (9 at the time) crying because BM wasn't going to make it to her school concert. 

Countless sporting events, just their everyday lives. She doesn't "know" her kids. We are going on 5 years where she literally only sees them on their bdays and Xmas. She has spent 3 hours with SD this year (once for nails in Jan and her bday in April) and hadn't seen SS17 since Xmas. SS18 "sees" her but I don't think it's much. Maybe once in a while. 

She's clueless. She got her pics for social media yesterday and left. Gave him a check for a whopping $150. I spent more then that on food for the 15 kids that came to our house after.