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So thats how we do things?!?!?!'s picture

so SD4 had a fit case my son wanted to ride HIS bike. Well she runs outside and jumps on his bike and tries to take off on it. Well my son tells her that, thats his bike and to get off cause he want to ride his bike and she could ride after he gets off. Well she gets mad, she looks at me and then throws his bike down and breaks his peddle. I tell her to say sorry for braking his bike and then tell her to sit down. Well nope that does not happen. DH comes out and tells her to come inside and he puts her on a movie. Tells her its alright dont cry and he'll get her a new bike...
FML right now.

Comments's picture

no not kidding.
So tomorrow the little princess is going to go shopping for her brand new bike. When all he has to do is go get it from her mom's house. OOO and the kicker is my son and to get a hand me down bike. SD has broke my sond peddle and one of his training wheel's. God i dont know how she did that, but she did.....

Lalena75's picture

Be sure to inform him the first thing that will happen to her new bike is your son will toss it to the ground and break it, just to be fair and all. Then he can go buy them both new bikes.
Not that this is realistic or a great way to handle it, but I'm kinda pissy like that over behavior like this. If your not disengaged go shut her movie off, tell DH we don't reward breaking other peoples things, being disrespectful, and having tantrums with movies and new bikes and if anyone should get a new bike he should be replacing the bike his kid broke. He won't then go back to my original plan or when she leaves new bike in the driveway run over it.'s picture

yeah i have already thought of doing all that with her bike..and i that kinda bitch that will do it too...

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Take her to the store and let her help pick out a new bike for your son. Then she can have his old bike. You can buy a replacement peddle and training wheels if you need to. They sell them in the bike accessory section at Wal Mart.

Then maybe she can have a little more respect for other people's belongings.

I'd be dipped in shit and rolled in pecans before I'd get that little brat a brand new bike as a reward for breaking my kid's stuff.

Most Evil's picture

Yes - she definitely needs a consequence and your DH needs a kick in the ass for not doing so immediately. If he won't, then I would do it for him, as a lesson to both-!!!

Do NOT let him push you around on this - do not settle for not being in charge in your own house, it is CRITICAL to the success of your marriage!!!! imo

lac925's picture

I agree with everyone on this situation. Rewarding her for her bad behaviour (and destroying someone else's property) is only going to bite your DH's ass in the end (what's gonna happen when she crashes your son's CAR? Is daddy gonna buy her a new car, too???). MY first response was to let your son break HER new bike (it's only fair, right?) but it wouldn't be solving anything. Did DH even know what happened? That she intentionally broke your son's bike? I realize she's only 4, but this is the age when she really learns to understand her powers over daddy. It's never too early to teach a child discipline. But IMHO, she shouldn't get a new bike, nor should she pick out a new bike for your son. Just get your son's bike fixed and don't allow her to ride it ever again.'s picture

Yes DH did know what happened. Right now im just so over it all, i really dont care if she gets a new bike cause when i start working im going to get him everything that she has broken. Bike, cars, spider man punching bag books everything.. And ill have her there the whole time while im doing it and not spend one penny on her ass...