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You to can become white trash, just follow these easy steps !

Major Blunder's picture

I’m just going to start with Friday afternoon, I leave work late pick up the kids from daycare since wife is picking up SD21 to come to our house since “ She misses us so much”, stop for gas and head home. I spend the evening avoiding SD21 who sits on the couch watching TV, eats, bums more food to take back to her shed, yes she lives in a shed and takes a nap on the couch.  You can really tell when someone wants to spend time with you when they watch tv and nap the whole time.

DW has been having pain since Wednesday on her right side, like a pulled muscle, with getting over bronchitis it’s rough for her, everytime she coughs it’s agony, there is a point to this part.

Saturday morning she wakes me to inform me she is going to go get SD26 to bring home so SD26 can visit with the kids and help get their rooms cleaned up and help DW pick up some large xmas presents.  I offer to help clean the kids rooms and find alternatives to her coming at all. DW of course is angered by this, she is in pain and if SD26 doesn’t visit the kids at our house then DW has to go out of her way to meet else where, that it is all on her.  I don’t respond to that part as yes it is all on her, her kid her problem. She asks if I’m mad and I say that well I’m not happy, but what did you expect DW I’ve told you I don’t want her in my house, I don’t want her near these kids and even DSS said she isn’t supposed to come here, and should they get wind of it those kids will be taken out of here.  She leaves in a huff.

She returns with SD26 and comes to me, kisses me and says she loves me, I tell her I love her as well, and then retire to the bedroom and watch movies till she says she and SD26 are leaving for the xmas presents.  Both kids rooms are still a mess btw.

DW returns 4and ½ hours later with horror stories of waiting here and getting caught up there etc etc etc, another Saturday shot to hell thanks to DW and her need to enable a skid.

Sunday I sleep in, I feel I deserve it after being invaded two days in a row by unwanted skids.  Within the hour SD26n is calling DW wanting to get picked up from wherever she is, DW apparently has enough sense to tell her that she would give her a ride somewhere but she has to have a destination, she can’t come back here and DW refuses to drive her all over God’s creation.  DW is holding her side a lot like she is in pain again.  I start doing house work, cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, same ol Sunday.

DW says she wants to go help her Mother at the Food Bank that afternoon if I don’t mind, she bring skids into my house whether I mind or not but this she wants to know if I mind about !

She puts the baby down for a nap and leaves with GSD8 who like helping at the Food Bank.

I putter around doing what I can without waking the baby, sound carries throughout the new house, might as well not even be walls for the way you can hear everything.  I slowly run out of things I can quietly do and fortunately GSS wakes up. I decide to get him dressed and bring him out on the porch so I decorate the front of the house, it’s the first nice weekend day since we moved so it’s now or never.

Be behaves wonderfully, he is interested in what I am doing and talking up a storm, can’t understand half or what he says but we have fun anyways, he even helps kind of lol  He did carry in empty boxes to the house when we were done, not bad for a 2y/o.

DW returns after three hours, she is in pain, said GSD helped a whole lot at the Food Bank. They stopped and got some groceries and she starts making dinner, she and GSD go get in the shower, GSS and I go to the store for a few more strands of lights and some finishing touches.

I clean up the kitchen again after dinner, finish the last of the laundry, get my stuff ready for work in the morning.  DW is really in pain now so I put the kids to bed, they have a routine that she usually does but they do just fine with me filling in, in fact I think they like the occaissional change up.

We watch a movie and go to bed, I feel ok having gotten the front of the house decorated, feeling a little more Christmas cheer, even though I know it will still suck with the friggen skids around.

I don’t get out the door this morning as soon as I needed to, the windows are fogged so I sit for a few minutes to defog and defrost some, when I feel I can’t wait anymore I go to back out of the yard hit the passenger side front of DW’s car behind me and stop the truck jump out cursing, I just bashed the headlight cover off, completely smashed, big dent in the side of my truck, they don’t just sell the cover to those things gotta buy the entire assembly 100-200 bucks easy. I start her car to make sure the light works, it does, I curse some more and leave for work.

The whole drive in I am fuming  ( and still am ), can’t even have half decent things, both vehicles are second hand, look like it as well and now this, another expense I don’t have the money or time for.  Just can’t understand why we have to live like this, slowly descending into whitetrashdom, piece by ragged piece, but why?, how?  oh yeah friggin skid can’t take care of herself or her own kids that’s why. So we live in a house we didn’t want, don’t like and drive crappy cars, don’t take vacations and are falling apart physically due to all the extra stress.

DW texts me and asks if I’m ok, and I respond ( This is verbatim) “ Ok, just f@#king tired of life being a big ball of $hit”

Her response: “ I get it babe. Just thankful it was just my headlight plastic and not someone else”s. We got this. “  I ThinK : Not feeling the “We” lately there BABE !

I haven’t responded back.

Oh and tomorrow is her birthday and I still haven’t bought her a present or even a card, whoppee !!!!

Double Oh, her mother just called and said they were coming over tonight with a cake, and the hits just keep on coming !


justmakingthebest's picture

Oh Major... I am so sorry. The hits just keep on coming. It's not even like you had a real weekend... I still can't get over your DW bringing OSD around after DSS told her not to! What is going on in her head??? 

On the positive side, it seems like you and GSS are really becoming buddies! I love the relationship that my dad and son have... they are best friends and it just warms my heart.


Major Blunder's picture

She doesn't think DSS will find out or that the ease of not having to take the kids somewhere to meet SD26 is more important the possiblity of the kids being taken out of our home.  Not sure which.

He is a fun kid most of the time, usually with me he is well behaved and likes to follow me around, hope that lasts but trying not to set my heart to it.

Siemprematahari's picture

Major sending you hugs and a shot of Tequila (or whatever you like). I know there's so much bringing you down at once and you want to know when you'll be able to catch a break. Just hold on my friend, its only temporary and it will get better.

Please take care of you!

Major Blunder's picture

Thanks Siempre, I wish it was temporary, seems like the good times are the temporary thing.


CLove's picture

Holidays are just really hard. Sorry you are feeling like you just cant get ahead. Sometimes with us too it feels like 5 steps forward and 20 backwards.

This weekend with Skid

skid:"I thought we were going to a movie tonight (for us three it always costs $50)

Me: "sorry kiddo, but your dad just spent all his money."

Skid: "oh? What did he buy?"

Me:"Well skidoo, your dad had alimony and child support to pay today, so therefore no movie tonight."

Ski:"oh thats really sad!"

Me:"well yeah, its not like we have alot of extra right now. Entertainment and movies are considered extra."


However I took her and us the next day to a comic convention, which she said was pretty boring. Oh well, that will just make it easier to say no to any other activities, from here on out. Sorry kiddo, even though I now make as much as your father, raising you and taking you places is completely his responsibility. That attitude, plus blowing off my requests to feed and water the pets and bring me the phone charger, that just makes it easier for me to say "ask your father", when skid asks me for any help.

Keep that chin up! Perhaps you can go to an autowrecker and replace that part????

Major Blunder's picture

20 backwards sounds about right. If your skid doesn't like the convention I'll go, love those and haven't been to one in years.

I've already checked the "U Pull It " places here and nothing in stock at this time, I'll keep checking but I'll probably wind up getting one online since it's DW's car and the one the kids ride in the most.

Major Blunder's picture

I almost didn't write this today as all I seem to do lately is complain about my life, I'm even getting tired of listening to myself.

So thanks anyone who reads and responds, thanks for understanding.

Major Blunder's picture

Thanks Gim, I know trash as well but it sure feels like we're living it.

Her decisions have not been very good except in her eyes and mind, and that's not going to change anytime soon.

TwoOfUs's picture


I had a pain in my right side like that for several days and it ended up being appendicitis. I hope your DW is OK.

As for the other stuff...yeah. Eff off to all of that. I hate that skid needs can pop up at any time and throw everything off for us. I'd hate it even more if they were full-blown adults still causing us financial stress and strain. 

Major Blunder's picture

The pain is on her right side closer to the arm pit so it shouldn't be appendicitis, I thought she might have an infection in her rib muscles but she claims it's not in her ribs that hurt so I'm at a loss for guesses and she won't go to the Dr. so.............

Adult age skids that are depndent on others are the pits, these two are just parasites spoging off whomever they can and DW when she is feeling guilty.

Major Blunder's picture

Thanks Classy, Iv'e used rockauto before and usually they are ok for price. I have a bigger problem , that being even what is generally a simple task, even one that I have all the necessary tools and knwledge for, never goes "easy", I hung a shelf a few weeks ago and it took over an hour, execution apparently is not my strong suite.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I think you're great, Major. And I don't mean to kick you when you're down. But nothing changes if nothing changes. You're already making so many sacrifices, give so much of yourself, and are the only reason those babies aren't trash. And you love your wife so much. I just wish you could draw stronger boundaries with her when it comes to her pos daughters. They are the trash, and shouldn't be allowed in your home - ever.

I hope you manage to have a Merry Christmas. And I wish you all good things in 2019. {{{Hugs}}}

Tuff Noogies's picture

try e-bay.  i got a new headlight assembly for about half of what i saw on other parts websites.


i'm sorry.  i know the feeling, the constant stress.  it sucks to do nothing but merely function.  and sometimes the cycle can last for years and seems unending.  but it does end.  things do get better.

Major Blunder's picture

Thanks Tuff, I have been price shopping and ebay is one of my short list places, things have to get better, can't say that they can't get worse because that is a trap I don't to fall into