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SD 20 could mess up a one car funeral !

Major Blunder's picture

Sooooo this past weekend was GSD’s 8th birthday and we outdid ourselves and probably screwed ourselves for several birthdays to come.  Her “friends” party was held at a roller skating rink, her Maternal Grandfather and his lady friend came from 10 hr car ride away, my father came from about the same distance and my sister and her daughter of the same age came from a few hours away, a lot of GSD centered attention that will have to be squashed over the next few days (maybe weeks).

This also meant me having to spend time with the SKIDS around (shiver), did the very best to avoid SD26, her father got to get a taste of her addiction behavior, she went off on him when he was trying to find out why she had to walk to the end of the road to get a ride (baby daddy was obviously picking her up and she knows she’s not supposed to be with him if she ever wants her kids back).

Unfortunately I didn’t get to avoid SD20 as much as I would have liked.  After the party at the rink we went to my inlaws ( not a part of the plan but MIL likes to change things on us) SD20 comes out on the porch and throws an oreo cookie in the yard, barely a foot from the porch, my DW asks her , “what did you just throw into the yard?”, SD responds, “it was a soggy cookie”, DW, “why did you throw it the yard?”, Sd, “what was I supposed to do with it?” DW and MIL, “Throw it in a trash can.” SD, “ Ok, it’s over, we can move on.”  Me , “ PUT IT IN THE TRASH CAN THAT”S WHAT THEY WERE TELLING YOU!” No response and GSD ran over and put it in the trash can, another person cleaning up after SKID, sadly an 8yr old on her birthday.

Avoid her the best I can the rest of the day, built a fire outback for everyone to sit , talk and enjoy the company, SD 20 joins in late with one of her addict friends in tow. I happen to be sitting between her and her father and have to listen to him ask her questions about her life and hear her responses, “I came so close to saying out loud, “ You are such a F@@@tard, it’s hard to believe you got this far at all” I swear she is one of the dumbest people on the planet and having to listen to her talk was like swallowing glass shards.  At one point she was reminiscing about class trips in school, and her father mentioned that she got to go to DC once, her response was , “ Ya it would have been nicer if I didn’t have to learn the whole time” , I’m not sure what else to do at museums (which is the majority of the trip she went on) but apparently learning at a museum wasn’t the plan (duh!!!)

Ok, my rant is over before it goes any further.


Major Blunder's picture

If I were to ever suggest that she had mental health issues my DW would go ballistic on me, we are already sure that SD 26 is undiagnosed Bi-polar, coupled with her chemical addiction, right now believing that SD20 is going to turn out ok is one of the only things my DW has to hold on to her sanity.

Areyou's picture

One time SD said Why do we always to be learning. Bitch don’t learn then. Rot for all I care.

Major Blunder's picture

That one kills me, gawd forbid that you learn and expand your mind and knowledge base, geez if I could afford it would never have stopped going to college, majored in everything eventually, even if I didn't do well in a class I still love learning.