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lovedbyone72's picture

The tension in our home is thick this week because SK is "home." She is an annoying 9 year old who can't entertain herself to save her own life. My DH is a dick when she is "home" and I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to her return to her creator.

On an awesome side note: just a few weeks ago we were at a friends helping out with a move, and our kids were all there. SK was alone for most of the day until my kids got there. SK was complaining how she couldn't wait for the kids to get there and how LONELY she was without them. Fast forward a few hours: My bios are there, and SK is being yelled at by our friend's mom. Apparently SK thought she was in control of EVERYTHING (tv, toys) since she had staked her claim into them prior to my kids getting there. Our friends Mom didn't take kindly to that behavior, and said a few things to SK. Enter the EVIL STEP MOM. SK is outside pouting. I call her over, and I honest to God told her exactly what I thought of her.

*I am sick of her pouty fits.
*I am sick of the drama she brings to group play.
*She does not know how to share, and there are times that she flat out refuses.
*I don't like this version of her (SK). She is not someone that I want to be around, and neither do my children.
*I won't do anything with her, for her, or think of her because she is annoying!

Enter "DAAAAADDDDDDEEEEEE" (who by the way was PISSED at HER, not me!!!)
He announces to her that he is also sick of her shit. He informs her--mind you, first week of school for kids----that the issues that she has with NOT having any friends are HER OWN FAULT, and she is old enough to figure out how to change herself, or go FRIENDLESS forever! ---this tidbit of information he did not share with me--that's a topic for a later on.

So, we tell her to take 5 minutes to collect herself, and find her way back in the house to figure out how to "get along" or I (yes me) will be taking her, and her home alone. NO tv, no ds, no NOTHING!

She managed to figure it out.....

As for DH not telling me about the first week of school issues, he later disclosed that he was afraid it would already lessen my already exceedingly low opinion of his DD. Again, the brutal honesty came out of my mouth. I told him that I was shocked that it was happening. That I'm a great judge of character in most people, and that if his DD were an adult, I'd simply choose to not have her in my life. It was as simple as that. He didn't like it much, but really what choice does he have? I feed her. I provide the basics for her. Anything above food and shelter are his responsibility. Love and affection do not mesh well with this kid, so I haven't tried in years to do anything of the sort. You would think she was created by a robot, but alas, she is a mini version of her BM.

Will I win Step Parent of the Year award? Not likely.
Did I inflict severe mental damage for what I said? Doubtful.
Do I feel better? DAMN STRAIGHT I DO!

So, carry on with your lovely Fridays. If your Skid week(end) is ending, I shall tip a glass of wine in your favor.
If your Skid week(end) is about to begin, I will drink in your honor.
Oh, how the hell am I kidding? I will have several glasses to suffer through a few more days of madness, and then have a few more glasses to celebrate my FREEDOM!


Dontcallmemom's picture

I disagree with you on one point. Food and shelter for her are not your responsibility, they're DH's. Otherwise, carry on Smile

kathc's picture

I'm doing a happy dance for you that your DH backed you up and didn't blame you. Good for you!