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Spin off of Skids Messy Rooms

Tcandme's picture

I wanted to post the other day when there were other posts about messy rooms but I honestly did not have the mental energy to do so, this happened 10 years ago.

After a separation of 2 years with DH (A whole new topic for a different time, yes we separated because of SD), I returned "home" after many promises one of which SD17 at the time was moving out in a few days and since I had someone willing to rent right away the home I owned I moved back in quickly......big mistake! ( for the 2 yrs I was gone SD and DH fought all the time, at one point he called the police on her, again a whole different post).

SD had her boyfriend living here with her, the smell coming from her room was ridiculous but I let DH handle it, I would not even enter her room I knew she would be gone soon, well it took a long 3 months before she actually moved I than gave her a week to get everything out what she wanted because I was throwing everything out that she didn't take.

Omg when I walked in that room for the first time I started gagging and walked right back out, called my sil to come help me, we re-entered wearing gloves and masks no lie, it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!
Cat feces on the carpet, used condoms in her drawers, sex toys laying all over, plates of food and drinks from I don't know how long shoved in drawers, under the bed etc, if this wasn't bad enough I opened one of her dressers and effing maggots were crawling all over it, I lost it. This house probably would have been condemned if anyone knew and the only way she got away with it is she had a basement bedroom with a sliding door apparently she kept it open in order to breath in there, the main living area and our bedroom are upstairs and while she was here I think I only went downstairs once. She was not embarrassed or one bit ashamed when confronted!

I'm just shocked why her and DH can't figure out why I don't ever want her back here! 0.o. Just wanted to share my Skid Messy room story and see if anyone can beat it!

Rags's picture

Kids living at home don't get a say in shit for anything when it comes to their space and keeping it clean and presentable. You should have called ServPro to bag all of her crap, strip her room down to drywall and bare concrete floors and haul her toxic belongings off for disposal. When she bitched you should have handed her the ServePro bill and copies of the pics of her maggot filled drawers, used condom collection, and rotting food stash.

Another copy of the pics should have gone to the police when she called them.


Tcandme's picture

Yes I look back and think of what I should have done but at the time my focus was getting it all out of the house. To this day she complains that I threw away a folder that had her birth certificate and social security card in it, she says it to other people but doesn't dare say it to me.

stressedstep's picture

OMG!!!!! I used to control the bedrooms since I was the one that did the housework....much to the dislike of my SS's!! lol I used to call OH and TELL him that they needed to clean their sh*t up or else!! OH used to get annoyed and eventually he would land it on the skids and TELL them to pull their weight or leave!

It was bad enough suffering for 4 months with a 17 yo that didnt wash, shower or change clothes for the entire 4 months that he was with us!!! He is a walking bacteria! lol