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Subaru vs deer on highway. Not a good ending for the deer.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Tonight DH and I were driving the short distance to town to return some videos. Half way there we collided with a deer. Neither of us saw it coming. Just so sudden. All the airbags deployed. I could not breathe From the dust and fumes. and the Seat belt was so tight. DH got a bump and scrap on his right leg shin. And seat harness rub burn on his neck too.

We are pretty ok. Just sore and shook up. It could have been so much worse. The deer must have died immediately. A guy who stopped to help us checked on it and so did the officer. Some other guys stopped to help push the car off the road. The officer was very nice and the tow truck driver took us back home.

There are good people in the world. And then there are the ass?!$& bic$&)@?s who will not even stop for one minute while we were trying to move the car over to the shoulder. What an idiot.

I will concentrate on the blessings of the good people who stopped to help.

My gosh we need to get our ducks in a row. What if the worst had happened. Who would have gone to our house to talk care of our pets? We have no family close by. Also need to get the end time affairs in order. Just for peace of mind.

Well the Tylenol is kicking in and the sleeping pill. What a long day it has been.


Acratopotes's picture

Glad you and DH are okay, shock will hit you 24 hours later, so if you are very emotional and DH is very emotional..
rather switch off the phones and take a breather,

Let your furbabies comfort you and I hope you feel allot better when you wake up... glad you are okay Hon..

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Thank you Acra and Llilac. We are both still sore today. Dan was off work for the Memorial Day holiday. So we took it easy. Still managed to grill some burgers.
I had some weird dreams last night but nothing scary. It does still feel unreal. I never saw the deer yet it must have hit the windshield on my side of the car at some point, the smoke and powder from the air bags choking me and lap belt tight on my waist and not knowing what happened. I just wanted out.

Just before the accident as we were driving we saw an ambulance with the name of our state as the company name. We said we had never see one with that name. We live near a very large medical center so not unusual to see different transport ambulances from other areas.
We had just passed the ambulance I think when the accident happened. I remember glancing at the driver and thinking to myself that the young man looked very much like my son's best friend who died a few years ago ( in a car crash). I was pretty shook up after the accident, sitting on the center highway berm in the rain as my legs were weak and I was still coughing from the air bag dust. Some nice people had stopped to help us and let me sit in their car while the husband helped get our car off the highway.
When the officer finally arrived and while he waited with us for the tow truck I was talking to him and my DH about this coincidence of seeing someone who looked like my sons friend just before the accident. DH thinks I should not have said anything, perhaps just the shock making me chatty.
It is not like the ambulance driver glanced my way or anything. And I often see people who remind me of my sons friend.
I guess I like to think in my mind that if anything about it is a connection, that looking to the opposite direction from where the deer came from and just being relaxed in my own mind having thoughts kept my body relaxed so when the impact happened I was not all tensed up. DH did not even see the deer until it was being hit by the car and he got the impact into his arms and shoulders from holding the steering wheel.

Maybe we could not see the deer because maybe it crossed the two lanes of traffic northbound side just between traffic or something that blocked us seeing it. Who knows. The day before a motorcycle collided with a deer in almost the same area the officer said. He said deer often get trapped in that area of the highway trying to get across and not being able to get around a tall fence. Once they had to shut down all traffic for a whole herd of trapped deer.

Unfortunately in the Northeast where we live deer on the roadways is a big problem. There are always dead deer on the roadsides. The state road department has people to pick them up. We live very close to where the accident happened. Near our house in the fields there is always a large herd of deer. We do not hunt them, but enjoy photographing them.

A couple summers ago I got some photos of a doe with three fawns. It is pretty common for them to have two fawns, but three is fairly rare.

The auto insurance agent called today so the claim is in the works. A total loss adjuster will look at the car. We can get a rental car tomorrow. DH will take my car to work tomorrow.

Guess I should have labeled this as off topic post.

But really...maybe it is relevant. Life changes in an instant. Wake up calls come in different forms. Maybe this is ours. I would like to think there are angels watching over me (my sons friend). ...perhaps. Second chances to enjoy life, live each moment. Keep the eye on the prize and let go of all that is just not important.

Rags's picture

I am glad that you are both okay. Hitting a deer is never fun. I have hit five. Fortunately they were Texas hill country White Tails and small. Big enough to require expensive car repairs but not large enough cause me any injury. I hope you car is repairable.

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh my! When I used to drive back-and-forth between my town and medusa town, I would keep a running tally of all of the dead deer on the side of the freeway, hoping and praying that one of them would never run into me.

I'm glad you and your husband are OK.

As for the car, it's just a stupid car and can easily be replaced.

You are so right about getting all of your ducks in a row-I hope you two are not working on wills, powers of attorney and the like.

Like you, I will choose to focus on the good people who helped you rather than the assholes who did not.