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When BM refuses to respond

justmakingthebest's picture

We have been asking BM daily (rotating between a text and email) for almost 2 weeks now asking about summer visitation. We will be driving to KS in May for OSS graduation and driving back. It would be great to only have to buy a 1 way ticket later in the summer to send him home. BM won't respond. We are labeling each email/ text with "this is my ____ request for information regarding summer visitation".

What do we do? E-mail is going to the lawyer today with screen shots and the original email. Do we put SS in the middle and ask him to hand the phone to his mom? Do we let her know that we are now pursing full custody due to alienation? Are there "trigger words" that tend to work for any of you?


Acratopotes's picture

What does the CO stipulate.....

Go ahead with your plans, and if BM contacts you way later with her plans, simply say sorry no can do, then stick to your plans.

justmakingthebest's picture

There is no CO, we have been working on it for 5 years. In nowhereville KS if mommy dearest doesn't agree it just gets pushed out again and again. This is why were are going for full custody now. They still can't even get divorced finalized because of this b!tch.

Maxwell09's picture

Usually "Court" or "Court Update' is usually a really good trigger Subject line for most high conflict line. Just be ready for a fight, using fighting words.

justmakingthebest's picture

We are definitely fighting, it is just that courts and all the processes make this a very slow fight...