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Things that amaze me...

justmakingthebest's picture

My ex (DD and DS's father) got orders to the west coast. SM let me know via e-mail and asked if we could talk about a new custody plan. No problem! Took 2-3 quick emails back and forth. They wrote it up and we both signed and notarized it. Done and done. No fuss, no issues, no arguements. 

Then we have BM... The never ending drama. The acusations, the lies, the court and lawyer fees. How is it that it is so easy to work with one ex and so crazy to work with the other? 

We are still waiting to hear back on if we are going to court for the case we filed pro se for standard out of state visitation. Still waiting to find out if they are going through with the hearing on our "endangerment". Still just waiting... racking up those lawyer fees. 

It just seems crazy to me that a 6 year divorce process would lead to only 7 months ago a "semi-judgement" on visitation to cover us until summer, then 5 months ago getting summer but nothing was ever officially entered and becasue of a slip in transcripts vs. what was discussed in mediation we weren't allowed to talk about the rest of the year. Now that we are filing for the rest of the year (Thanksgiving, winter break and additional time in summer since he is too old for rec baseball now) we get this "endangerment" accusation. 

I just keep praying that the judge will see all of the BS for what it is. I keep praying that we can resolve it on the 31st and be done. If we lose we are done. We are going on vacation during my kids spring break and that is all that I want to think about...


Siemprematahari's picture

I hope you can get all this resolved. Its unfortunate that sometimes we have to deal with "crazy" and it drains the living life out of you but keep fighting and pray that all works out in your favor.

It does amaze me how some parents/people you can compromise with and all is well while others just want to complicate life. In the end it affects the child.

Major Blunder's picture

You guys have been through so much this year, I really hope all of this works out for you in the end, if there is any justice in the world it will. Still sending prayers though.

tog redux's picture

Crazy exes can't let go.  They just can't.  Even if they are the ones who left, they need to hang on to their exes and/or punish them forever, usually alternating.  They live in a world where they are always the victim and they don't see reality as we do.  They thrive on drama and chaos and they are unable to see their own part in that.  BM here is still causing trouble. Even alienating SS entirely wasn't enough, she now wants more money. 

I've read stories of people who have mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder and they say that 30 years after their parents divorce, their mother still alternates between blaming their father for all that's gone wrong in their lives or calling him the love of her life and predicting he will come back once he leaves his second wife of 24 years.  It's insanity.

elkclan's picture

The BM in my life is suspected BPD. And that's part of the problem. Sometimes she's fine. She's often not.