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justmakingthebest's picture

DH responded to BM's mom having "cancer" (which she has when he was here in March)and summer rec baseball :

If you are truly concerned about the chances of Covid-19 exposure I would highly discourage any sort of organized sport even if stay at home orders are lifted. I would also argue that our sons current job working at a local grocery store should stop immediately as both of those are far from social distancing. If you are as concerned as you say about the possibility of our son exposing his grand mother to covid-19 SS is welcome to stay here in VA and attend school here next year to minimize any chance of exposure of covid-19 or any other possible disease to your mother. 


Have you stopped volunteering at a “health clinic” in Oklahoma? I only ask as that would expose you non social distancing activities. Likewise has your daughter stopped doing phlebotomy activities at ______ Hospital  Again just asking about these non social distancing activities, as they tend to increase your chances of getting Covid-19 among other things. What about your future husband is he still working? Or the members of his family that could expose him or you to the virus? 


Currently Kansas’s stay at home order only goes through April 19th many other states have gone to as far out as June but even Virginia’s stay at home order ends before the dates I have proposed. (the 10th of June through the 8th of July) Since you are expressing these dates do not work for you for a reason like a summer recreational sport that our son should have aged out of, I want to know the alternate dates you would propose for summer visitation. Additionally I will remind you that per the GAL order “ Summer visits should be scheduled in such a manner that it interferes as little as possible with SS’s summer activities. But, if the parenting time with dad overlaps the actives, Dad's time should take priority.” 


With that in mind what dates are you proposing for the four weeks of summer visitation I get with our son here in Virginia in the summer of 2020?


Just to be clear I am not saying this again to say he should not play baseball. I am however playing devils advocate here and walking down the path of “SS is playing in a league due to not being able to play during the the school year.” 


If you have that summer baseball schedule please pass it along in the reply to this email. However, if you do not then you do not know if that schedule even currently interferes with this visit or not. 


Now let’s say those “stay at home” orders get extended and this summer Recreational season moves to the right. Again our sons summer activities do not according to the GAL report get to trump time with me, his father, nor will I be allowing this summer recreational sport trump visitation time. My time is going to take precedence over summer recreational sports period if the move to the right due to covid-19.


Back to the point with all of of this, these “stay at home” orders are supposed to be lifted before any date I have proposed for visitation. Therefore there is no reason we cannot schedule travel that is two to three months from now. 


I have had such limited time with our son over the past three years, maybe if we had over the last three years had regular visitation and contact I would be more willing to take your views and concerns into consideration but alas this is where we are. 


You want me to compromise give me the dates that work for you. Reply to this email with alternative dates that work for you. While you are replying with those dates please include the information I am again requesting below;


You still haven’t provided me with information on who our sons doctor is. 


Nor have you responded to me about why we could not communicate on Easter and why I was unable to talk with our son on Sunday. 


I need a reply with dates by 1800 6pm central standard time or I will go ahead and purchase plane tickets for the dates of 10 June through 8 July. 

BM never responded but SS sure did. Even though BM was just admonished in court and told to make sure that all communication between BM and DH are private and not for SS to see. 


SS told him F-you. You were never my dad. I hate you. I am never coming out there. How dare you say I should live with you- Blah, blah, blah.


DH asked him where he heard that- he said he "just knew"- Right kid. You done messed up A-A-ron. 

DH told him he loved him and is looking forward to seeing him this summer. He hopes they can talk soon like actual people but he will not be disrespected like this. Good night.


Told BM that ticked were purchased for June. That all of the correspondence between him and SS and her and him were being forwarded to out lawyer and he will send to the judge because they are still in communication. That he is ever disappointed that she would use an attempt to schedule summer dates into an attack in alienation. 


We will see what happens from here but we got plane tickets under $200 and we usually spend $600+ so that is cool LOL


lieutenant_dad's picture

You left SS's name in there, FYI.

Did SS text him that, because if so, it wasn't SS. I mean, it could have been SS physically doing it, but considering how he acted just a few weeks ago, that mentality is one from BM.

It'll be the same song and dance over and over until a judge or time frees SS.

justmakingthebest's picture

Thanks- I thought I had them all! LOL

Oh we know that that wasn't from SS, that was him being BM's little puppet. 

When we were in court last time the judge gave her a whole speech about her behavior and he talked about SS reading the emails and told her it was forbidden. She messed up big with this one. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in her attorney's office. He has to be spinning wondering how he's going to save his client from this one. Though, he may realize that so long as he keeps getting paid, he doesn't care because she won't listen. She is a special kind of crazy.

justmakingthebest's picture

It just amazes me at how she took something that was obviously facetious like "If you are so worried, he can come live here", knowing full well that it would never happen and turn it over to SS with- YOUR DAD IS TRYING TO TAKE YOU FROM ME!!! 

Good Lord. He just wants to see his kid the 6 weeks a year that he is allowed. This is so stupid. I don't understand how she can keep making such a big deal out of something so small but so good for her own kid to have an (as) active (as possible from 1300 miles away) dad. He repeatedly asked for alternate dates. Nothing- Just no Covid. No cancer. No baseball. -- NO IS NOT AN OPTION PER THE CO. So if you don't like those dates, give us something else. It isn't rocket science. Either way he is coming or she is going to jail. 

PLLLLEEEAAAASSSEEE let her go to jail. Pretty please.... 

Stepping Along's picture

Pure perfection!!

BM's response through SS gave me heart palpitations just reading it!! She really is just the freakin worst!!

I was reading all the comments on your previous post re 'her trying to pull the Covid card' and just thought most of these people responding clearly have not followed your story. Never has a father (with a supportive SM) fought harder for his limited time and deserved it more... 

AND never has a jail time contempt charge looked so (I want to say equally, but it will never truely be equal, but still) deserving. 
I hope the judge gives it two her with both barrels!! 

Stepping Along's picture

Pure perfection!!

BM's response through SS gave me heart palpitations just reading it!! She really is just the freakin worst!!

I was reading all the comments on your previous post re 'her trying to pull the Covid card' and just thought most of these people responding clearly have not followed your story. Never has a father (with a supportive SM) fought harder for his limited time and deserved it more... 

AND never has a jail time contempt charge looked so (I want to say equally, but it will never truely be equal, but still) deserving. 
I hope the judge gives it two her with both barrels!! 

justmakingthebest's picture

He did good!! I didn't help at all. I just got BCC'ed on it. I was on my way home from work and had to pull over to read it. I was just tickled and so proud of him. He has come so far!! He used to let her walk all over him and he just rolled over. Not anymore though!!

Livingoutloud's picture

He was just nice and loving with dad having good time visiting him in late March and literally two weeks later he writes F you and I hate you and you aren't my dad. Even the most difficult teenagers that tend to go hot and cold don't alternate their moods like this. This kid is either very mentally ill or BM typed his text. Not SS

justmakingthebest's picture

SS is becoming mentally ill. He is being abused by his mother. Her alienation is abusive and hurting him deeply. 

tog redux's picture

He is so much like my SS was when he was alienated - just fine at our house and then, like a light switch flipped, back to asshole at BM's.  When my SS was 11, a psychologist said SS had "no sense of self" and was at risk for mental health issues.

Yep. This stuff damages these kids. My SS has absolutely no idea who he really is and is a major case of Failure to Launch at this point. He also has a poor relationship with BM and lots of screaming fights with her - but still can't get away.  At least, at 20, he speaks to DH and their relationship is decent now.

Willow2010's picture

Wow.  I know BM is pulling his strings but damn.  That boy has some balls on him.  

DHs email was great.  

BM totally screwed herself her.  Mainly by changing the reasoning to withhold SS.  A judge MAY have agreed with her on the Covid thing (probably not in June though).  BBBUUUUTTT...she brought up her mom and now BBall.  Idiot.  I have never wanted anyone to go to jail as much as this woman.  

justmakingthebest's picture

Right?!?! He is not going be a happy camper when he does show up here this summer. That is for sure.

You and me both. I just REALLLLLYYY hope I can get her mug shot!!

Livingoutloud's picture

I don't think he'll show up. I mean I'd like to be optimistic. But I just don't see its happening the way it looks. I hope your lawyer scares her enough but she doesn't seem to be scared of anything evil woman 

justmakingthebest's picture

I really kind of am hoping he doesn't. 

At this point I want her to sit in jail for 30 days. 

DPW's picture

Oh oh, someone poked the bear! Yowsers!

I hope, for your DH's sake and their relationship, that your SS does come for his six week visit. I think this will give DH a lot of time to deprogram him. 

bananaseedo's picture

Hmm, so I guess the spring visit never happened, and nothing happened to BM...this all seems odd honestly. 

Livingoutloud's picture

Sadly nothing happened and nothing will happen if she again doesn't send him. Courts often threaten parents wuth jail time but then it never really happens 

justmakingthebest's picture

He was out for spring break. It was a great visit.

Hugs, I love yous- like nothing ever happened. We played along hoping that was the right thing to do.

justmakingthebest's picture

We had court for multiple contempts. BM was told to send him and that if he missed another visit from now until SS turns 18 she would spend 30 days in jail. 

He came out for spring break like he was supposed to. It was uneventful. It was nice, drama free, good time. 

That is why BM is likely mad. We didnt take his phone, we didn't ground him. He just had a good time with us and my bios.... can't be having that!

thinkthrice's picture

but your experience and that of others makes me glad Chef's ferals PASed out.