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So frustrated!!

Jsmom's picture

I have disengaged in my house this week and it is not getting any better. My SD and her Dad had an argument last night and he grounded her from everything. She somehow got a phone and called the BM and she called the husband to tell him to lay off SD. 45 minutes later and he is so frustrated, that I offered to move back to my house since it has not sold. She told the mom about me correcting her on silverware when setting the table and making her use a side door to come in the house. She was carrying two bags and a guitar and when she and the other kids come in through the garage door, they scratch my car. This is not new. As for the silverware, how many times do you have to tell a child that we don't eat with Salad Forks? 5-10-15 at what point do they learn? I give in.

I posted the following on a widow site that I used to visit all the time. It helped me out after my husband passed away. I can't go on there very often because they are at different stages in their grief and won't understand a new marriage. This one doesn't feel right, because I really don't want to be a stepparent anymore. He said after the call that it would be so easy to give up and let his daughter live with her mom. But, if he does that he knows she wouldn't be everything she could be and if he did that our marriage wouldn't survive because he would blame me.

......Just to preface this, It has been awhile since I have been on here. Last week was 8 years since I lost my husband. I recently re-married to a nice guy with two kids. We moved in and the blending began. I thought losing my husband and a child two years before that was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. But, trying to combine two sets of parenting styles and dealing with a difficult teenager who would rather not have a stepmom has been absolute hell. Let alone trying to deal with ex-wives and combining household furnishings. Who knew I would care so much which artwork and couches to keep or sell?

It makes me miss my late husband more and more and resent him dying. I wanted to grow old with him. I didn't want to try to make another marriage work. It just should. This shouldn't be this hard. I went off on the therapist last week (6mos. married and already needing a therapist) for refering to my late husband as my ex. I told her I was offended by that, that I didn't choose for him to leave. If he was alive we would still be married no matter what problems we had. She was shocked at my adamant reaction. I still get pissed off at people for assuming I was divorced. Believe it or not, it still happens. My husband's reaction was that I over reacted.

Blending this family has been hell,so I found a website similar to this for stepparents. But, I miss this site. For the first 5 years it was my lifeline. So many friends that got it. I know I don't fit on here anymore, since I am so far from the grieving process. But, I don't feel like this marriage is going to work either. We dated for 4 years and went slow because of my past and the kids. I don't think it was slow enough. These 2nd marriages are harder than the first. Only good thing is that their are not two ex's to deal with. I am just wondering if we can make this work.....

I am just not sure what to do anymore, he is miserable and I am tired of being the bad guy. I was finally starting to be happy with my life when he proposed and now, I feel like I am going back years to grieving again.


LotusFlower's picture

My sister is also a I kinda understand some of yur situation..but only thru her...I can't imagine walking in yur shoes....she has not gotten to the point where she feels like moving on with a new relationship it has been almost 5 years since her husband passed...u know the guilt, etc...u know exactly what I mean, I'm sure.....that being said...I can imagine how hard it must be for u to be blending a family...and yur right...these second marriages are WAY harder than the first sounds like u had a wonderful one that u can't help but miss when times are tough....I wish I could help u more...but I can also only offer love and hugs....and an ear whenever u need one Smile

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

Jsmom's picture

Thanks - your sister may be interested in a website that I have used Young widows. That site was everything to me for the first three years after he died. My first marriage had its problems, but I always felt like we were a team. We were in it together. He had three transplants and that was our life, but we traveled everywhere and did everything despite that. He made life fun. This marriage just feels like a chore when the kids are here. When it is just us it is great. So frustrating.

soverysad's picture

JSmom - you are grieving. Perhaps it isn't so much that you're still grieving your late husband, I think you've gone through that process, but being in your present situation has brought a new "grief". You are grieving the marriage you wanted and believed in. The one that you probably would have had with your late husband where things were hard but you felt you were in it together. Your grieving the way your life should have been. And you didn't overreact with your therapist. Calling your late husband your "ex" is disrespecting his memory. I get it. You loved him and you continue to love his memory and the memory of your marriage to him. And in light of how difficult this marriage is, those memories are precious to you. I know this isn't really advice, but your feelings are valid and you shouldn't be expected to toss them aside to please your dh.

On a side note, skids shouldn't be allowed to call BM when they're unhappy with things going on in your home.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Jsmom's picture

Soverysad - Thanks you get it. I miss my marriage. This one is okay - but there is no sense of team. Which is hard to accept. He doesn't understand.

His daughter and the silverware --- she knows what forks to put on the table. She is doing this on purpose. Yesterday, he let her off grounding since she apologized to him. He wanted to get her to understand the apology thing. She never does. He wanted her to understand that you need to take culpability for your actions. I am skeptical. But, she did go spend the night at a friends house and it was a nice evening with just SS11 since my son is off camping.

I did tell her that I was distancing myself from her, since she misconstrues my intention and then feels a need to tell her mom. She just stared at me. But, at least I can't be accused of being cold to the child. Thanks for the support. I am giving it another month to see if I want to stay.

Most Evil's picture

Jsmom, I wonder if it will just take time, to build the team feeling with your new DH? I have to say, it sounds like he gets it too! and is really trying more than some I read here.

I was married for the first time at almost 40 and the first year was hell, and I have read that is often true . . . getting used to having someone in your house all the time was really stressful to me, I kept thinking, ok, its time for you to go home now! even though I loved him and SD too who was around a lot then.

I get what you mean about setting the table, it is not that hard, and it is a nice skill that people don't seem to teach any more, and I do value things like that. My mom taught me to make guests, even our own family welcome, and provide them what they need in your home (like a real fork!), and we pride ourselves on 'southern hospitality'. Maybe in time your SD will get it too, if you don't give up on her?

Of course it is easy for me to say this as I am not you, but I am just hoping to encourage you, that it may get better yet, over time. After 8 years married, my DH feels like my family, but it wasn't always that way. HUGs honey, please let us know how it goes.
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

Jsmom's picture

Well the one thing I can say, is I appreciate all the support here. I am going to need it now, if DH decides to go back to court for full custody. SD has just announced she is not living here anymore. We'll see how it plays out, but frankly a part of me wants her to go. I feel horrible for thinking this.