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DH complains about BM to DS

ITB2012's picture

Yes, you read that right. My DS told me that while he was driving somewhere with DH that during the conversation DH made comments about how BM didn't consult him, DH, on things and just made decisions on things he should have had a say. I'm not sure what since I didn't really want to get into a whole conversation about it. Could have been DH is still bothered about the latest car purchase. BM and YSS apparently called or texted DH while they were at the placing buying the car for YSS. I don't believe they were asking for cash. I've been told YSS bought it himself (though based on a few things YSS has said and done my guess is he is having buyer's's pretty cheap, old, and rusty).

Hm, 'cept when DH talks with me there's usually a defense of BM/OSS/YSS. There is a thin veneer over everything to make it shiny and okay.

Does DH really think that DS wouldn't mention it to me? That boy is an open book. Many (most?) of the things DH knows about his own kids are because they told DS (and had opportunities to tell DH but said nothing) and DS said something to one of us.


SteppedOut's picture

This is odd. I think if it was me, I would ask him to not discuss adult matters between he and his exwife with my child. Wtf.

ITB2012's picture

Its not appropriate to discuss that sort of thing with the kids, even if the kid is 19. DH has had a few slip-ups with his own kids over the years and saying derogatory things about their mom to them.

DS and DH were running an errand together. DS is 19, so DH was not playing chaffeur. They have a decent relationship so it's not unusual for them to be in a car together.