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“MY kids would never do that”

ITB2012's picture

Says The Revisionist (my DH). He's also The Hypocrite.  
Though he did dumb (and illegal) stuff as a teen, like underage drinking and weed, HIS kids would NEVER drink or do drugs or have underage sex or do something illegal or just plain stupid. Uh huh. Sure.

Guess what? DS and OSS are pretty tight and now I know for a fact OSS has done two of the three specific things listed above. (I don't ask, DS just tells me a lot more stuff than I ever told my parents. He feels at ease telling me stuff about himself and his friends 'cause I won't freak even if I don't approve.)

Surprise! The skids aren't perfect little angels! Gasp! 


SSstepmom's picture

My BDs talk to me about everything too. And I don't ask about SDs unless something pops up that's alarming but my BD15 has let me know a couple of doozies lol. My dh knows his twins are a lot to handle but doesn't want to think things are going on behind his back. Well ok then